Sunday, November 27, 2011


most excellent info that I do not want to lose in case the source goes by by.  From

 1) When do I get my companion?
Everyone’s mileage will vary for this, but roughly around lvl8-9. None of your companions are based on your class level, only your story progression, but most people will get their first companion roughly in that level range.

2) When do I get another companion?
This varies even more than the first companion. Everyone will get a droid companion when they earn their ship, but he is not suitable for combat. As for a new combat companion, that is vary broad. The Jedi Knight, for instance, will gain their 2nd companion on Coruscant, while the Imperial Agent will not see another companion until the end of Alderaan in their 30s. This is completely based upon class and story progression.

3) How do I give my companion gear?
Companions can equip gear just like the player’s character. When you hit “C” to bring up the Character pane, look at the bottom for a tab named “Companion.” This will switch the Character pane to the Companion and you can equip them like you would your own character from here.

4) How do I give my companion gifts?
If you buy gifts from the Companion Gifts vendor, simply summon the companion you wish to give it to and click on the item. This will “use” the gift and the companion will accept it. Whether or not they like it depends on the companion and is up to you to figure out what gifts they appreciate.

5) My companion wants to talk to me, where can we speak in private?
If your companion says they wish to speak with you, you can take them to a Cantina or your ship. Basically you need to go somewhere designated as a “rest area.”
Note: certain companion quests will require you to speak on your ship only. The companion should state this if it is required, but if they don’t and will not speak in a cantina, assume they want to talk on your ship instead.
6) When do I get my ship?
As with your companions, everyone’s mileage on this will vary. Short answer: before you leave your capital planet. Long answer: this is also tied with your class story, and you will get it when you finish your class story on your capital world. Depending on how many quests you have done, people usually get their ship somewhere between lvl15-18.

7) When do I get a lightsaber?
Like companions, this is also tied with your class story. Since their are 4 Force-based classes, everyone will be slightly different, especially since it also depends on how many side-quests you choose to do. Most people will earn their first lightsaber around lvl7-9, but all Force classes will have one before leaving their starter planet.

8 ) How do I change the color of my saber/blaster?
New weapons from quests/drops may have a new color crystal in them. Some quests and drops may also offer colored crystals that you can use to replace the crystal in your current weapon. Some craft skills will also be able to make color crystals.
As for the more extravagant colors besides the basic green, blue and red, however, don’t expect to see them right away as they tend to be more rare and higher level.

9) Where can I learn Crew Skills and how many can I have?
Update: You’ll now first encounter crew skill trainers upon reaching your faction’s Fleet. You will also find a quest giver just outside the docking area that will give you a quest to talk to crew skill trainers.
You’ll first be able to learn Crew Skills when you reach your faction’s Capital planet. After that, all planets will have trainers in a designated Market area.
Note: Mission skill trainers are usually in Cantinas instead of the Market Wards.
Coruscant: Right side of the Senate building’s basement level.
Dromund Kaas: On the right side of the city, near the GTN and Bank area, make a right and you’ll find the Market Ward. Mission trainers are on the left side of the city, inside the Cantina.
As for how many Crew Skills can you learn, you can take a maximum of 3 skills at a time.
Note: There are 3 types of Crew Skills as well, and while you can take a max of 3 skills, only 1 can be a crafting skill.

10) Who actually uses the Crew Skills?
Short answer: your companions.
Long answer: If you do a mission, your companion will go on them and be unavailable until they are finished or until you cancel the mission. Crafting is done by your companions as well, but you choose what to make. Gathering, however, can be done by you and/or your companion in the open world. Reverse Engineering is also something done by the player.

11) What’s Reverse Engineering?
Reverse Engineering, or RE’ing, is tied to each of the Craft skills. If you have a Craft type Crew Skill, you can open your inventory and there will be a button on the top-right of the inventory pane that says “Reverse Engineering.” If you click on that, any item you are able to RE will be highlighted and everything else is darkened.
RE’ing an item will destroy the item and give you back a few components that go into making that item. You also have a chance to learn a better quality schematic for said item by RE’ing it. Note: that only applies to items you can already make, so RE’ing say, commendation gear, will not give a chance to learn an artifact version of the item.
What you are able to RE is tied to what Craft skill you have. For example, Cybertechs can RE droid armor and earpieces, but not a blaster rifle.

12) How do I earn my Advanced Class?
Upon reaching level 10, you are eligible to gain access to an advanced class within your main class. Travel to your Capital planet and follow your class story, you will literally walk right past a quest giver that mentions speaking to someone about advanced training.
Update: You can now train your AC on your faction’s Fleet. Upon arriving and leaving the dock area, a quest giver will instruct you to speak to an NPC by your class trainer. Still requires level 10.
Once you choose an Advanced Class, you will also gain access to a few new abilities and a “talent tree” from which you can begin assigning points in one of three talent “specs” each level.

13) Why can’t I train my AC abilities?
After training an Advanced Class, find your class trainer and click on them. You will now see a new panel at the bottom of the training pane with the name of your AC on it. Click this and you will be able to train these abilities as well.

14) I made a mistake in my tree, can I respec?
Yes, there is an NPC on each of the Capital planets that will reset your talent trees for a price. The NPC is only available on the Capital planets.
Coruscant: The NPC is in the back of the Senate’s basement level by the GTN and Bank.
Dromund Kaas: He is in the Market area, across from the Guild vendor.

15) I chose an option in a quest and earned Lightside/Darkside points, will that change my faction? What impact DOES it have?
Short answer: You will never change factions, no matter what choices you make in quests.
You can play the most evil Jedi Knight ever known, but you will still be a Republic player. Likewise you could be the most noble and kind-hearted Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy, but you will still be an Imperial character.
The biggest impact is basically cosmetic: you will have access to certain gear only if you are a certain level of Light or Dark, or you remain grey/neutral.

16) My quests wants me to use some item/scan something/set a bomb.. how do I do that?
Some quests will give you items that you need to use. If this is the case, open your inventory and look for the panel at the bottom that says “Quest.” Quest items will always go in this tab instead of your normal inventory. You can use them from here, or pull them to an empty action slot while you’re on the quest.

17) Something I said in a quest cutscene caused a small portrait of my companion to pop up with a number below it, what did that do?
Throughout the game you will gain or lose affection with your companions based on choices you make. If you have a companion with you while questing, certain dialogue choices will gain or lose favor with them.
Typically choices will gain 15pts or lose you 1pt, so the system isn’t too detrimental if you wish to make choices your companions may not agree with. However, bigger story arcs can cause you to gain or lose up to 50pts at a time.

18) I said the wrong thing/wasn’t what I expected, can I change my mind?
Yes and no. Obviously there’s no save system since the game IS an MMO, so once you’ve completed a quest, you can’t change your mind. However, if you hit Esc during a cutscene, it will exit out of the dialogue and you can restart the cutscene.

19) What are social points and how do I get them?
Social points are earned by taking part in quests while grouped with other players. Cutscenes will show each of the players in the party, and dialogue choices will be decided by rolls. If you win the roll, your character will speak the dialogue choice you chose, and you will gain 2 social points for each person in the party (4 person party means you earn 8pts/winning roll). Even if you lose, you will gain 1pt each dialogue.
Social points are used to “level up” your social skill. Right now this is just used to buy cosmetic gear that you can add mods to and use.

20) What are these Commendations for?
Each planet will drop Commendation marks with the planet’s name on them. These can be used to purchase better than average gear, weapons and mods from the Commendation vendors.
As you go to higher level planets, you can also go to the vendor and exchange the previous planet’s comms for new ones at a 1:2 ratio.
Note: it is never worth farming lower comms for endgame planets. 100 comms from DK will barely get you 1 comm for Ilum by the time you continually break them down.
Note 2: the exchanging portion of this was recently removed, will take this part out of it remains so for release.
In addition to the planetary commendations, you can also gain PvP commendations and Fleet commendations. These are used for purchasing PvP gear and parts for your ship respectively.

21) When can I move faster?
At lvl15 you will be able to learn Sprint – 35% movement increase
The first speeder is available at lvl25; 90% speed, 40k for training, 4k for speeder
Next speeder is at lvl40; 100% speed, 210k for training, 21k for speeder
Last speeder is at lvl50; 110% speed, 330k for training, 31k for speeder
All of the above is learned from your class trainer at the appropriate levels.

22) How do I change my title?
If you open your character pane, to the left of your name at the top will be a drop-down button. Hit this and you will see a list of available titles.

23) I heard there’s 3 Acts/Chapters in the game, how do I know where I am in my story?
Whenever you log in, the splash screen while loading will show your class and current chapter, as well as give a small recap of your current story.
As for how the story flow works: Chapter 1 starts on your origin world and goes up through Alderaan. Chapter 2 goes through Taris/Balmorra, Quesh and Hoth, while Chapter 3 starts after Hoth and continues for the rest of the game.

24) What are these Datacron things I heard about and where do I find them?
Datacrons are objects of immense power left behind by the Infinite Empire. They are usually hidden somewhere out in the world and only the most courageous explorers happen upon them.
Basically, clicking on them will grant you permanent stat increases in various stats, give you colored shards and unlock unique Codex entries for Lore purposes. Some are easy to find if you go off the beaten path and explore, while others require more work to figure out howto reach. Some will also require special keys to access, usually found at another datacron site.

25) When can I start doing some PvP?
Upon reaching level 10, you will be able to start queuing for the Warzones. On your mini-map, look for a Republic/Imperial symbol, clicking this will open the PvP menu.
Currently, Warzones are limited to same-server players only.

26) Warzones are fine, but when can I find some Pubs/Imps to go kill in Open World PvP!?
Because of the way the planets are set up, you will not find cross-faction areas until reaching Nar’Shaddaa, usually around level 20. The 4 Origin planets are accessible by your own faction only, as well as the 2 Capitol planets and Fleets. Taris and Balmorra are also specially phased worlds where Empire and Republic players will play on different versions at different levels.

27) Are there any objective-based, Open World PvP areas?
Currently there are two.
Outlaw’s Den, on Tatooine, is a completely Free-for-All area. Within this area on Tatooine, you can attack anyone not in your party, meaning same faction fighting is allowed as well. There are also special, rare NPCs and resource nodes in this area that people can fight over. There is also a commerce area with a GTN and cargo hold, but there is no sanctuary, so watch your back at all times.
On Ilum, the level 50 planet, there is also a large section of the map that is setup specifically for PvP. This area has 5 control points, which must all be held for victory. The area supports hundreds of players at a time.

28) I’m level 12, did I just see a level 50 in my PvP bracket?
The Old Republic uses a system called Bolster for its PvP matching. Since the PvP matching is not cross-server, it will make teams from available players, without regard to level, and then lower level players will be boosted to match the health and damage output of the higher level players.
Obviously, the higher level players will still have a decent advantage since they have access to more skills, but it does help level the playing field. The system is intelligent however, and will try to match players closer in level first. If it takes too long to find closer matching players, the system begins branching out to higher level ranges until a match can be formed.

Republic Classes:

Jedi Knight

Jedi Knight Progression
Valiant, Determined, Guardian of Peace
A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic and keeping the peace across the galaxy. Though Jedi Knights have served as generals, guerilla fighters, and warriors for generations, their legendary combat prowess faces its greatest test during this age. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Strength
Resource: Focus
Voice Actors: Male – David Hayter / Female – Kari Wahlgren

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Jedi Guardian
A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack. Perfect concentration and use of the Force allows smooth movement even in heavy armor–making the Guardian a hard target to take down. Leaders
on and off the battlefield, Guardians are known for inspiring allies to amazing feats, making them invaluable for conflicts of any size.
Roles: Melee DPS or Tank
Weapons: Lightsaber, Shield Generator, Focus
Armor: Heavy
Skill Trees: Focus (Shared/DPS), Defense (Tank), Vigilance (DPS)
Jedi Sentinel
Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using two Lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade. Manipulating the Force, the Sentinel can see holes in the enemy defense, potential flaws in their own technique and how best to plan for both.
Roles: Melee DPS
Weapons: Dual Lightsabers
Armor: Medium
Skill Trees: Combat (DPS), Watchman (DPS), Focus (Shared/DPS)

Starship – Defender

Corellian Defender-Class light corvette
Developed at the height of the Great War, the Defender was custom-built for the Jedi Order. The Jedi Council commissioned the starship after determining that Republic military vessels were not well-suited to the Jedi’s more specialized missions. The Defender’s exterior design is based on the consumer model corvette, but it has been outfitted with countless customized upgrades. The starship includes two levels. The formal upper level features diplomatic meeting rooms and an elegant conference room at the ship’s center. The conference room contains a unique Holocom system for secure communications with the Jedi Council. The Defender’s lower level includes a cargo hold, a medical bay, and a small private space in which the Jedi can retreat for meditation. Despite the Jedi Order’s commitment to peace, the ship is battle-ready. If circumstances warrant, the Defender is engineered with high-powered shields and twin turbo lasers to engage the enemy.

Jedi Consular

Jedi Consular Progression
Visionary, Ambassador, Seeker of Jedi Wisdom
For more than 20,000 years, the Jedi Order has worked to promote peace and balance in the Galactic Republic, but each new day brings with it a new threat, promising to rip the Jedi and the entire galaxy apart. If the Republic is to survive, it needs leaders and visionaries; it needs the Jedi Consular. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Willpower
Resource: Force

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Jedi Shadow
A Shadow serves the Jedi Order by being a silent observer and, when action is necessary, a subtle hand. To avoid rash decisions on the part of the Council, Shadows go unseen, gathering information and quietly thwarting those who seek to threaten the Jedi order. Employing Force techniques that cloud enemy minds, Shadows slip into hostile territory, and when necessary, they strike enemies down with deadly efficiency.
Roles: Mid range DPS or Tank
Weapons: Double-bladed Lightsaber, Shield Generator, Focus
Armor: Light
Skill Trees: Infiltration (DPS), Kinetic Combat (Tank), Balance (DPS/Shared)
Jedi Sage
The mysteries of the Force are endless. A Jedi Sage, deeply attuned to the Force and devoted to uncovering its esoteric secrets, knows this better than any in the galaxy. These masters of the Force are famed for their wisdom and empathy as much as they are for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the wisdom of the past with cutting insight and the power of the Force to change the flow of galactic events.
Roles: Ranged DPS or Healer
Weapons: Lightsaber, Focus
Armor: Light
Skill Trees: Balance (DPS/Shared), Telekinetics (DPS), Seer (Healing)

Starship – Defender

Corellian Defender-Class light corvette
Developed at the height of the Great War, the Defender was custom-built for the Jedi Order. The Jedi Council commissioned the starship after determining that Republic military vessels were not well-suited to the Jedi’s more specialized missions. The Defender’s exterior design is based on the consumer model corvette, but it has been outfitted with countless customized upgrades. The starship includes two levels. The formal upper level features diplomatic meeting rooms and an elegant conference room at the ship’s center. The conference room contains a unique Holocom system for secure communications with the Jedi Council. The Defender’s lower level includes a cargo hold, a medical bay, and a small private space in which the Jedi can retreat for meditation. Despite the Jedi Order’s commitment to peace, the ship is battle-ready. If circumstances warrant, the Defender is engineered with high-powered shields and twin turbo lasers to engage the enemy.


Smuggler Progression
Quick, Clever, Answers to No One
Sometimes luck is more important than skill, but it never hurts to have both.
Lawlessness has become common in the wake of the devastating war between the Republic and Empire. Shifting political allegiances and marauding pirates have made independent space travel a dangerous enterprise. Cut off from traditional supply routes, entire star systems waver on the verge of collapse. An adventurous spirit who’s not afraid to break a few rules can make a handsome profit hauling cargo to these hotspots, but it requires fast reflexes, fast wits and a fast draw with a blaster. Even then, the life of a Smuggler is always a gamble. [Read More...]
Main Stat: Cunning
Resource: Energy

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Master of the trick shot, the first to dive for cover and willing to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger and his dual blasters are the perfect team. The Gunslinger can shoot out a man’s legs to keep him from charging, blind him so he can’t get to his weapons or inflict serious injuries for maximum distraction. There’s a right target for ending every disagreement and the Gunslinger knows them like the inside of his ship.
Roles: Ranged DPS
Weapons: Dual Blaster Pistols
Armor: Medium
Skill Trees: Dirty Fighting (DPS/Shared), Sharpshooter (DPS), Saboteur (DPS)
The Scoundrel doesn’t have time for politeness or a fair fight. In addition to his trusty blaster the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a med pack–everything he needs to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive. Being invisible works best, but even when Sith fly through the air waving Lightsabers all they get to do is look surprised as the Scoundrel’s scattergun sends them back the way they came. The Scoundrel always shoots first.
Roles: Mid range DPS or Healer
Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Scattergun
Armor: Medium
Skill Trees: Sawbones (Healing), Scrapper (DPS), Dirty Fighting (Shared/DPS)

Starship – XS Freighter

Corellian XS Light Freighter
The classic Freighter has advanced by leaps and bounds since the Dynamic class Freighters from the days of the Jedi Civil War. The freighter is larger and more versatile than its predecessors, and the XS Freighter model also features a variety of significant upgrades that make it one of the fastest and most nimble ships in the galaxy. In addition to an enlarged cargo hold, the XS also has secret compartments throughout the ship for transporting contraband and anything else the captain would prefer to keep hidden. If the captain prefers to simply avoid being boarded, the XS has proven itself to be fully capable. In addition to the standard laser and torpedo batteries, the starship is designed with upper and lower turrets that can be controlled manually or remotely from the cockpit. Captains of these freighters typically live on board, so the XS Freighter has all the creature comforts anyone could ask for, from a recreational lounge to extra sleeping quarters. It’s no wonder that it inspires such loyalty in its owners.


Trooper Progression
Honor, Duty, Defense of the Republic
Not all heroes carry Lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight.
For decades, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic defended their civilization against the seemingly unstoppable Sith Empire. Despite countless setbacks, the men and women of the Republic military never backed down until the Senate ordered them to do so. These brave souls remain ready and willing to lay their lives on the line today. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Aim
Resource: Ammo
Voice Actors: Male – Brian Bloom / Female – Jennifer Hale

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Trained in advanced assault tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge battlefields with massive blaster cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Whether taking out an enemy bunker with focused fire or driving back an Imperial charge with a hail of concussive bolts, the Commando’s high-powered hardware dominates the scene, laying waste to all unfortunates who fall within its range. Many of the Republic’s greatest military victories can be credited to the decisive actions of a Commando in the field.
Roles: Ranged DPS or Healer
Weapons: Assault Cannon, Focus
Armor: Heavy
Skill Trees: Gunnery (DPS), Combat Medic (Healing), Assault Specialist (DPS/Shared)
Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards wade into battle wearing advanced heavy armor. They are the first and best line of defense in the Republic military. These steadfast soldiers ignore personal risk, deliberately stepping into the line of fire to divert danger from allies and innocents. Though their tactical role is inherently dangerous, Vanguards have an uncanny survivability due to their expert defensive tactics and the advanced technology at their disposal.
Roles: Ranged DPS or Tank
Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Focus, Shield Generator
Armor: Heavy
Skill Trees: Tactics (DPS), Shield Specialist (Tank), Assault Specialist (DPS/Shared)

Starship – BT-7 Thunderclap

Rendili Hyperworks BT-7 Thunderclap
The BT-7 Thunderclap is the Republic’s largest and most elite rapid assault ship—streamlined for fast deployment in combat situations. Upgrades requested by Republic Special Forces ensure reliable performance and durability: state-of-the-art armor plating and heavy laser cannons provide exceptional combat capability, modular shield systems protect the Thunderclap from enemy fire, and the ship’s design deflects blaster fire away from crucial components in the event of shield failure. Despite its efficient military design, the Thunderclap is outfitted with all manner of interior improvements. The main deck contains a high-tech command center and briefing room, a secure armory, and a fully-outfitted medical bay. Personal bunk space is above average, and recreational facilities are available for increased quality of life for the squad during extended missions.

Empire Classes:

Sith Warrior

Sith Warrior Progression
Champion of the Dark Side
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Strength
Resource: Rage
Voice Actors: Male – Steve Valentine / Female -

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Sith Juggernaut
Sith who train in the stalwart arts of the Juggernaut boast unrivaled stamina in battle. Through diligence and clarity, the Juggernaut shapes the Force to his will to become nearly invulnerable. Damage that would destroy others is shrugged off, and futility fills the Juggernaut’s foes with doubt and despair. Protecting their allies and punishing their adversaries, they charge into the thick of any fray, and take the brunt of the assault and are even able to drain the energy of their enemies to further strengthen their resolve.
Roles: Tank or Melee DPS
Weapons: Lightsaber, Focus, Shield Generator
Armor: Heavy
Skill Trees: Vengeance (DPS), Immortal (Tank), Rage (DPS/Shared)
Sith Marauder
Wielding two sabers and unmatched aggression, Sith trained as Marauders slice through enemy ranks, dealing death with merciless efficiency. Able to intuit precisely how to attack in order to maximize every strike, their adversaries become victims in the blink of an eye. Whether annihilating a squad of Republic troops or cutting down a single Jedi, the Marauder sees and exploits every weakness to exact the greatest toll. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain and damage in the galaxy.
Roles: Melee DPS
Weapons: Dual Lightsabers
Armor: Medium
Skill Trees: Annihilation (DPS), Carnage (DPS), Rage (DPS/Shared)

Starship – Fury

Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor
Featuring an advanced hyperdrive and state-of-the-art sub-light engines, the Fury is the most versatile starship in the Imperial fleet. Though initially designed for high-priority military missions, the Fury has become a favorite among Sith Lords and the latest models have been engineered accordingly. The Fury’s angular design combines the maneuverability of smaller Imperial fighters like the Interceptor with impressive armament that rivals some of the Empire’s larger military vessels. The Fury also features a newly designed set of ‘strike foils’ that remain down for travel but can be expanded in short range combat to maximize the ship’s agility and range of firepower. On the interior, adjustments have been made to match to the luxury and aesthetics demanded by the Sith. No expenses have been spared.

Sith Inquisitor

Sinister, Deceptive, Prodigy of Force Power
The history of the Sith Empire is fraught with scheming politics and dark secrets—the lifeblood of the Sith Inquisitor. Treachery hides around every corner in the Empire’s dark corridors, and survival depends on an individual’s natural cunning and the will to manipulate and defeat their enemies and allies alike. The Inquisitor experiments with forbidden powers to not only survive in this cutthroat environment, but to excel and seize authority. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Willpower
Resource: Force
Voice Actors: Male – Euan Morton / Female – Xanthe Elbrick

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Sith Assassin
Speed and deception are the tools in the Assassin’s arsenal. Whether using stealth to infiltrate a Republic base and remove a high-profile target or tactically entering a large- scale battle, the Assassin’s dual-bladed Lightsaber flashes with deadly precision to provide a relentless offense and when necessary, a formidable defense. The Assassin can channel the Force just as easily, mentally assaulting an enemy and manipulating a confrontation to ensure his side maintains the upper hand.
Roles: Mid-range DPS, Tank
Weapons: Double-bladed Lightsaber, Focus, Shield Generator
Armor: Light
Skill Trees: Madness (DPS/Shared), Darkness (Tank), Deception (DPS)
Sith Sorcerer
The Dark Side holds dangerous secrets – and immense power for those who dare to uncover them. The Sorcerer reaches into the darkest corners of the Force to harness volatile energies that can wreak devastation on his enemies and bolster or even heal his allies. The air around a Sorcerer crackles with dark energy, and those foolish enough to get in a Sorcerer’s way soon learn a new definition of suffering.
Roles: Ranged DPS or Healer
Weapons: Lightsaber, Focus
Armor: Light
Skill Trees: Llightning (DPS), Corruption (Healing), Madness (DPS/Shared)

Starship – Fury

Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor
Featuring an advanced hyperdrive and state-of-the-art sub-light engines, the Fury is the most versatile starship in the Imperial fleet. Though initially designed for high-priority military missions, the Fury has become a favorite among Sith Lords and the latest models have been engineered accordingly. The Fury’s angular design combines the maneuverability of smaller Imperial fighters like the Interceptor with impressive armament that rivals some of the Empire’s larger military vessels. The Fury also features a newly designed set of ‘strike foils’ that remain down for travel but can be expanded in short range combat to maximize the ship’s agility and range of firepower. On the interior, adjustments have been made to match to the luxury and aesthetics demanded by the Sith. No expenses have been spared.

Imperial Agent

Imperial Agent Progression
Assassin, Saboteur, the Empire’s Secret Weapon
The Empire dominates scores of star systems across the galaxy, but not through the power of the dark side alone. Behind the scenes, the cunning Agents of Imperial Intelligence track down and eliminate the Empire’s enemies—from intractable Republic senators to traitorous Imperial Moffs to bloodthirsty rebels with Republic ties. Imperial Agents must master the arts of infiltration, seduction, and assassination to advance the Empire’s causes; they face the opposition of a terrified galaxy and the capriciousness of their own Sith overlords. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Cunning
Resource: Energy
Voice Actors: Male – / Female – Jo Wyatt

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

Focused on covert tactics and eliminating sensitive targets, Imperial Snipers are the most elite and professional sharpshooters in the galaxy. After extensive training, the Sniper’s long range blaster rifle becomes a weapon of exacting precision, allowing him to target enemies’ vulnerabilities and strike at the perfect moment to turn the tide of battle.
Roles: Ranged DPS
Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Vibroknife
Armor: Medium
Skill Trees: Lethality (DPS/Shared), Marksmanship (DPS), Engineering (DPS)
Combining the expertise of multiple disciplines, Operatives adapt to any environment and any circumstance to ensure the Empire’s agenda is achieved. Whether emerging from stealth to ambush and eliminate enemies in close-range combat or using advanced medical technologies to keep colleagues in the fight, the Operative is able to identify the needs of any situation and react accordingly.
Roles: Ranged DPS, Healer
Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Vibroknife
Armor: Medium
Skill Trees: Concealment (DPS), Medic (Healing), Lethality (DPS/Shared)

Starship – X-70B Phantom

X-70B Phantom-Class Prototype
The starships of the Imperial Navy are the product of centuries of military research and development. The Empire designed its fleet to destroy the Republic as quickly and efficiently as possible. During the years of the Great War, however, the Empire refined its design strategies. Co-opting newly discovered technologies and revising blueprints according to lessons learned, Imperial engineers built a new generation of starships. First among these, Imperial Intelligence commissioned the X70B-Phantom—the most low-profile, high-tech starship the galaxy has ever known. From its radar-resistant sleek exterior paneling to the next-generation navigation systems, the Phantom is so far ahead of its time that mass production would never be possible. More likely, the experimental prototypes built so far will be designated for critical Intelligence missions, and entrusted only to the most professional and responsible Imperial Agents.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter Progresion
Hunter, seeker, killer for hire
Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire’s drive for domination. The Empire spares no expense eliminating these threats, offering massive bounties to employ the galaxy’s most lethal hunters. Earning a death mark from the Empire means a life spent in fear, constantly looking over one’s shoulder. It’s never a question if a Bounty Hunter will find you… only when. [Read more...]
Main Stat: Aim
Resource: Heat
Voice Actors: Male – Steve Blum / Female -

Specializations (Advanced Classes)

A Powertech wears heavy plating like a second skin and never balks at taking on the newest prototype technology if it means greater protection and upgraded safeguards. The best in armor shielding, smart defensive tactics and high-powered flamethrowers combine to make the Powertech an impenetrable one-man blockade, from which few enemies escape unscathed.
Roles: Ranged DPS, Tank
Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Shield Generator, Focus
Armor: Heavy
Skill Trees: Shield Tech (Tank), Advanced Prototype (DPS), Pyrotech (DPS/Shared)
If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating defense in the galaxy. Heavily-modded blasters and deadly heatseeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform. There’s no problem extra firepower can’t solve, and no one who knows what he’s doing gets between a Mercenary and his target.
Roles: Ranged DPS, Healer
Weapons: Dual Blaster Pistol
Armor: Heavy
Skill Trees: Bodyguard (Healing), Arsenal (DPS), Pyrotech (DPS/Shared)

Starship – D5-Mantis

Kuat Drive Yards (KDY) D5-Mantis Patrol Craft
A rare, best-in-class vessel, the D5-Mantis is an alpha predator in the cold depths of space. Designed to meet the hefty demands of a much larger interdiction vessel, the Mantis has a compact frame and above all– is built to fight. By employing three retractable weapon foils with independent power supplies, the Mantis is capable of safely utilizing armament intended for larger class vessels, as well as reducing its profile significantly in order to be packed tightly into carrier ships with a surprising number of other Mantis crafts. To mitigate what would otherwise be an extremely cramped interior, the engineers of the D5-Mantis make efficient use of vertical space and minimized bulkheads to provide more open areas and ensure ease of access for maintenance. Due to the prohibitive cost of building a completely independent, long-range picket ship, the Mantis has never seen large-scale production. Spotting one in use is a very rare sight, and a mark of exceptional means.
Right at level 1, every class in the game also receives 4 abilities: a group-wide buff (unique to each class), a Quick Travel ability (can bind where you choose, 1hr cool-down), an out of combat, self-heal (works on you & your companion) and the ability to resurrect fallen allies (same faction players and companions).
Each of the 8 base classes has a completely unique story, with almost 200hrs worth of playtime invested.
While each of the 4 classes on each faction has a mirrored class on the opposing side, the skills are slightly different with different animations. Basically, close enough to not cause balancing issues, but different enough to not feel exactly duplicated when playing both.


The Star Wars universe has dozens and dozens of races available in it, but the playable races in SWTOR are quite limited. While Bioware may release more down the road in expansions, their stance so far has been to limit playable races to mostly human-looking races that can speak Basic. Considering your character is fully voiced, it would grow tiring listening to a made-up language of sound effects if you played as a race incapable of speaking Basic, such as a Wookie. Following is a list of playable races and the classes they can play as:
Chiss – IA BH
Cyborg – SM TR SW BH IA
Human – All
Miraluka – JK JC
Mirialan – JK JC SM TR
Rattataki – SI BH IA
Sith Pureblood – SW SI
Twi’lek – JK JC SM SI
Zabrak – All


As remote and secretive as the distant star system from which they emerged, the Chiss species remains a mystery to most of the galaxy, completely removed from the Republic and the Empire, these blue-skinned humanoids evolved an advanced civilization known as the Chiss ascendancy in the unknown regions of space. Despite constant political power struggles among the ruling class, the ascendancy maintained strict controls over its dominion and the civilization prospered. This is how the Chiss developed socially and technologically in isolation for thousands of years… Until they were discovered by the Sith Empire.During the late days of the Empire’s exile, the Sith came into contact with the Chiss, and what followed was unique even in the annals of Imperial history. In every previous instance where the Empire had encountered an alien civilization with enough technology and resources to defend itself, the Empire demanded surrender and capitulation to the rule of the Emperor. Each civilization refused and the Sith conquered their worlds and killed or enslaved the inhabitants. The power struggles of the ascendancy are rarely solved with force of arms, however, and the Chiss ruling class surprised the Empire by considering the offer on its merits and asking for a summit. The Empire’s military leadership, confused, agreed.Behind closed doors the best Chiss negotiators met with a who’s who of important Imperial diplomats, including the very unusual presence of the commander of the secretive Imperial Guard. Nothing has ever been publicly revealed about that meeting but the outcome is known and now wondered about by diplomats and historians the galaxy over. The Chiss would become the first official allies of the Emperor. Their armies, resources and tax revenues would be freely offered to the Empire. In return the Empire would allow the ascendancy to govern and administer its own planets, and never set foot on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla without permission. Not one political representative, not one noble tourist, not one Sith.
In the years that followed, the Chiss assisted the Sith in the invasion of Republic space and earned the Empire’s respect and trust as military allies. While in Sith-controlled space, the Chiss submit to Imperial authority without question and a handful of Chiss have even integrated themselves into Imperial society. Nonetheless, the Chiss ascendancy maintains its own forces, separate from the Imperial military, and most members of the species still retain their characteristic private ways, even when working closely with their heavy-handed Imperial allies. To the Republic, the Chiss continue to be a complete mystery and the species’ very existence is unknown except in high level political and military circles.


Humans that have undergone cybernetic enhancements or replacements of various body parts and organs.


Humans are known to be a more politically dominant species, as well as the more numerical. Due to their widespread nature and lacking a known homeworld, it is hard to pin down a human culture. Widely adaptive and versatile, human cultures vary from location to location.Despite lacking a centralized culture, it should be noted that on predominantly human planets, it is easy for humans to fall prey to arrogance, leading some to pro-human sentiments and label themselves as a superior species. Though this is rarely -if ever- the view of the entire population of the planet, occasionally such views spread to be the majority view. It is, after all, the human species that invented the term ‘alien’ to describe any non-human. This can spread to professional work, and companies such as the human-led Czerka Corporation even enslaved entire non-human populations.However, humans if nothing else are known for their versatility, and on many planets humans and non-humans share a thriving relationship. Indeed, even marriage between humans and non-humans is well-known to occur.Human records have been found dating back before 200,000 BBY. It is unknown exactly which planet is the original homeworld of the humans, but it is assumed that humans evolved on one of the Core Worlds near the center of the Galaxy. It is believed by the humans that this planet is Coruscant, though there are many scientists who debate this. The human race has played a key role in the Unification Wars, and it is also responsible for the forming of the Galactic Republic.


Though sharing common genetic history with humans, Miraluka have evolved into a significantly different species because they are born without eyes. On their home world of Alpheridies, the only source of light is a red dwarf star which emits light only in the infrared spectrum. Over the centuries, the Miraluka adapted and developed the ability see their surroundings through the Force. Though they retain vestigial eye sockets, Miraluka wear decorative veils and generally have little trouble assimilating into human society.Miraluka have lived primarily in isolation over the millennia, but because of their Force sensitivity, they have had relations with the Jedi and some Miraluka have even joined the Order. That relationship has grown even stronger since Jedi Civil War when the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus destroyed the Miraluka colony on the world of Katarr. The only survivor of that attack—a Miraluka named Visas Marr—was known to have traveled with the Jedi Exile and later to have helped rebuild the Jedi Order.In the years of the Great War, Alpheridies has remained an independent system, but many Miraluka have rallied to the Republic’s cause. Those who have joined the Jedi Order have proven to consistently be strong in the Force and exceptionally skilled in the martial arts. Some Masters speculate that it is precisely because of their trust in the Force rather than their eyes that they fight so fluently with Lightsabers. Regardless of where and how they serve the Order, the presence of the Miraluka within the Jedi ranks has been a boon. Many Sith Lords have learned the hard way to see that Miraluka can be dangerous foes.


Hailing from the planet of Mirial, Mirialans are near-human with skin color ranging from dark green to a pale tone similar to that of some humans. Mirialans are very fast and agile, making them hard to best in any combat.Mirialans are a religious species who only hold a weak understanding of the concept of the Force. They believe that a person’s actions contribute to their destiny. A geometric tattoo is often placed on their face or hands to signify that an important milestone has been reached. The number of tattoos is thus a good indicator of a Mirialan’s age and/or experience.Mirialan children are taught early to maintain a calm and reasonable attitude, giving the species a reputation for great skill in negotiation. They also believe that each person’s actions not only affect the individual’s destiny, but also influence the fate of their people. From this view, a Mirialan’s efforts to improve personally are also a contribution to the entire race. This motivation prompts them to intense mental and physical training: an upbringing that helps Mirialan youth excel when considered for Jedi training.


The pale-skinned Rattataki are made for battle. Centuries of constant warfare have weeded out the weak, shaping the remainder into proud, passionate, and deadly combatants. Even entertainment for this violent species is combat; the gladiator pits of their home planet, Rattatak, are the planet’s most popular amusement, well-known for being the most brutal in the galaxy. Exposed to their species’ competitive culture from birth, Rattataki develop into fearsome warriors.Deep in the Outer Rim, the Rattataki species evolved in bleak isolation for thousands of years, clinging to existence in sprawling caverns beneath the planet’s surface. They were driven underground by monstrous beasts they believed were gods and savage storms that made the land nearly uninhabitable. In their subterranean exile, the Rattataki tribes fought amongst themselves incessantly over scarce resources, and many tribes even resorted to cannibalism. The weak and the sick were sacrificed so that the strong might survive and one day claim the surface world.Eventually, the mighty warlord Rattatak managed to unite his people long enough to drive back the horrible beasts on the planet’s surface and establish mighty fortresses amidst the mountainous terrain. Though his life was lost in the struggle on the surface, Rattatak’s name lived on. the unification of the Rattataki was brief, and tribes settled back into their constant infighting, but at long last they had emerged from their dark exile and contact was made with the greater galaxy. This led many Rattataki to settle on other worlds, becoming sought after mercenaries, bodyguards and bounty hunters.
Shortly after the empire returned to republic space, the young Sith Lord Darth Vich took notice of rattatak and it’s people. Eager to make a name for himself, he journeyed to the planet and, casting aside 1000 years of anti-alien tradition, recruited a hundred tribes of Rattataki to populate his own personal army. Their prowess in battle made them a dangerous force, and the dozens of force sensitive among them became his personal acolytes. With the Rattataki at his command, Darth Vich made a play for power in the Sith Empire that ultimately failed. In the wake of this failure, the Dark Council enslaved or killed all of Rattataki who followed Vich. Rumors about a small group of Rattataki acolytes who helped betray Vich and were fully accepted for Sith training remain unsubstantiated.

Sith Pureblood

Descendants of the original sith species, the red-skinned Sith purebloods inherit a legacy long intertwined with the dark side. The ancient sith were warlike, competitive, and ambitious, and they performed arcane rituals to create powerful force artifacts. For those sith in whom the old blood still flows strongly enough to be seen, there exists a strong current of innate darkness, making the rate of force sensitivity among purebloods near one hundred percent.Three thousand years ago, dark jedi, fleeing republic space after the second great schism, discovered the Sith species on Korriban. they were surprised to find that the comparatively primitive species displayed knowledge of the dark side that the Jedi themselves had never encountered. The dark Jedi resolved to subjugate the sith and wrest their knowledge from them. Though the Sith struck back in an attempt to protect their dark side secrets, they were ultimately outmatched by the superior training and technology of the invaders. The Sith were enslaved by their dark Jedi overlords. Over hundreds of generations, the two groups intermingled. The dark Jedi found that Sith society and culture suited their philosophy well.Before long, the elite ruling class of Korriban consisted almost entirely of hybridized offspring of the dark Jedi and the high priests of the sith. This hybridization resulted in an ambitious, ruthless race with a natural strength in the force. Genetically speaking, the term “pureblood” is a misnomer, as all modern sith are hybrids, a product of the unions between the ancient dark Jedi and the original sith race. However, the term is useful in distinguishing those who carry enough of the blood of the ancient race to still be evident in their features.


Often stereotyped as slaves, dancers, and criminals, the truth is that Twi’lek are represented in all walks of life. Naturally quick and cunning, they excel in both physical and cognitive skills, and Twi’leks can generally perform feats of dexterity that significantly surpass other species’ capabilities. Their human-like qualities and varied skin pigmentations have earned them a reputation as some of the most beautiful beings in the galaxy. Though this has clearly increased their value as slaves and contributed to the exploitation of their species, many free Twi’leks have learned to use their natural beauty and charm to great effect.One of the most striking aspects of the Twi’leks’ exotic physical appearance is their ‘lekku’ or ‘head tails’ which are far more than simple cosmetic appendages. The lekku serve as extra-sensory organs, giving Twi’leks heightened awareness and a greater capacity to master the arts of communication. Historically, Lekku and skin color were symbols of social status among the Twi’leks. In fact, to some extent, skin pigmentation appears to be linked to certain personality traits. Twi’leks with red-colored skin, for instance, are generally expected to have volatile and violent natures, but just as with any other species, despite such genetic predispositions, character traits are varied depending on the individual.The distant Twi’lek homeworld of Ryloth has a tragic history. Though it’s a cold, rocky planet, the Twi’leks had adapted to the environment and lived in relative harmony for many centuries. Several thousand years ago, however, Ryloth was discovered by the Republic and soon after found to have rich stores of the rare and valuable Ryll spice. Still new to the Galactic economy, the Twi’leks were unable to leverage the natural resources to their advantage. Instead, control of the Ryloth mining operation fell into the hands of Hutt criminal enterprises who enslaved the Twi’leks and put them to work in their own mines.
Because of their beauty and their skills, Twi’leks were also sold as slaves on the open market, and today they can be found in almost every system in the galaxy. Though many remain slaves, countless others have achieved freedom and assimilated well into the Galactic population. Despite the number of free Twi’leks across the galaxy, there has never been any credible attempt to liberate Ryloth. This is likely because after generations in slavery across the galaxy, most free Twi’leks have little connection to each other as a species and even less connection to a homeworld which they never knew.


Independence, confidence, and ugly determination characterize the Zabrak psyche. Most Zabrak do not consider any challenge impossible, no matter how unfavorable the odds, and look down on the weak who fear defeat. A tradition of intense martial training, a second heart, and resistance to physical pain make them exceptional warriors and explorers. Their physical and mental prowess demand respect. Zabrak have an intense drive to excel in all they do, a drive that carries with it a persistent temptation to use any means necessary to achieve their goals.If Zabrak sometimes seem arrogant, it is only because they have much to be proud of in their history. The inhospitable crags and acid pools of their homeworld, Iridonia, shaped the Zabrak’s tenacity and strong will. The Zabrak did not merely survive adversity in a hostile environment, they thrived, managing to become one of the earliest known spacefaring races. They had already established several colonies beyond their home system before first contact with the republic. Though similar in appearance to humans, Zabrak are distinguished by their vestigial horns and hallmark facial tattoos. Horns develop as individuals come of age and tattoos are received during a ceremonial rite of passage that occurs soon after they appear. These tattoos vary in design based on the individual’s own trials and experiences. Zabrak from Iridonia are renowned for developing strict regimens of martial training, and the discipline and perseverance they teach are instilled in all young Zabrak.The Zabrak colonies are situated near vital hyperspace lanes, enticing the naturally inquisitive Zabrak to further explore the galaxy. New worlds mean new challenges to overcome and opportunities to learn, adding to the strength of the species, and now Zabrak can be found amidst the ranks of the Republic and the Empire both, leading troops to victory on the front lines, working from the shadows to shape conflicts, or simply collecting credits as guns-for-hire.


Currently, 17 planets will be playable in the Old Republic. Each faction has 2 Origin Worlds where 2 classes will start their story, and 1 Capitol World that serves as a kind of base of operations for each faction. With 3 planets off-limits, that leaves 14 explorable planets for each faction. In addition to known planets however, players will also visit various asteroid mining colonies, capital star ships and other one-off areas for their class stories. These areas will only show on the map when you need to fly to them.
In addition to each faction’s capitol planet, there is a Republic and Imperial Fleet that each faction can utilize as a major intersection for all game aspects. Here you will find class trainers, crew skill trainers, a GTN, commendation vendors, etc., as well as launch points for Flashpoints and a cantina. You will first visit these areas on your way to your faction’s capital planet.

Tython Tython

Deep Core
Galactic Republic
Largely Unexplored
Mountains and forests
Ancient home world of the Jedi
The planet Tython was the site that saw the beginning of what would eventually become the Jedi Order; scholars visited the world to study the mysteries of the Force, but eventually abandoned their work when their research uncovered dark secrets that killed many and threatened to destroy the planet. The survivors of this near-cataclysm fled off-world. Tython was forgotten, and over time these scholars became the first Jedi. The planet’s location remained unknown until its eventual rediscovery in the early years of the Great War. Jedi returned to Tython and began to rediscover their forgotten heritage.When the Great War came to an end the Sith Empire destroyed the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The Jedi Council made the decision to rebuild the Temple on Tython, and now the Order’s next generation is trained among ruins that serve as a reminder of dark secrets that remain hidden to this day.

Korriban Korriban

Seat of the Empire
Sith Empire
Tightly controlled by the Sith
Red, rocky desert
Original home world of the Sith
The earliest Sith lived on the red, dusty planet of Korriban, determined to grow strong despite the inhospitable climate. Their success culminated in a bold civilization, made stronger when dark Force-users arrived and interbred after being driven out of the early Jedi Order. This ancient Sith civilization eventually became a superpower and challenged the Republic during the Great Hyperspace war. Their defeat drove a handful of survivors into deep space where they regrouped and rebuilt, determined to return.Over time, the new Sith Empire lost its way back to Korriban, until a visit a few centuries ago by two Jedi returning from the Mandalorian wars. Turned to the dark side, the two Jedi, Revan and Malak, attempted to reclaim the Sith’s legacy in the known galaxy, but turned on each other and self-destructed.The true Sith Empire, governed by a thousand-year-old Dark Emperor, wisely waited, and returned to the known galaxy only when completely prepared to defeat the Jedi and the Republic.Retaking the holy planet of Korriban as a top priority, the Sith re-established the glorious Sith Academy and began training a new generation of Sith to inherit their dark legacy and seize their birthright as the true rulers of the galaxy.

Hutta Hutta

Hutt Space
Over-industrialized; Polluted
Swamps and Industrial wasteland
Also known as Nal Hutta, this is where the Hutt Crime Cartels originated
In Huttese, the name translates into “Glorious Jewel”, and the planet more commonly called Nal Hutta is considered a paradise to the gluttonous tastes of the Hutts. To anyone else, though, the planet is a living nightmare—a disgusting and dangerous place to visit, and an unthinkable place to live. Current Underworld slang has shortened the name to a simple ‘Hutta’—a place where more civilized people threaten to send their children if they misbehave.Before the creation of the Republic, Hutta was controlled by the native Evocii, a relatively primitive race who made the mistake of engaging in extensive business deals with the Hutts, ignoring rumors of their legendary greed. Centuries later, the Evocii realized their mistake too late—their entire civilization was mortgaged. When the Hutts’ home-world of Varl later became polluted and uninhabitable, the Hutts collected on the Evocii’s debts, becoming rulers of the planet.In the thousands of years since, the Hutts have subjugated the Evocii—they live in slavery and squalor while the Hutts’ insatiable pursuit of wealth pollutes the planet. Hutta has become the breeding grounds for the powerful Hutt families who control competing crime cartels that operate across the galaxy. Though petty vendettas keep them in constant conflict with one another, the Hutts have remained neutral in the long-running war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, keeping their world exactly as they like it.The Hutts are the lords of Hutta’s demented society, and all other races, even official foreign emissaries, are seen as expendable fodder in the Hutts’ bloated, wormlike eyes. Even the most infamous bounty hunters are hesitant to venture on the Hutts’ home-turf, and no sane person would ever come to Hutta willingly without the most crucial need.

Ord Mantell Ord-Mantell

Mid Rim
Galactic Republic
Embroiled in civil war
Saltwater seas and Islands
Despite the planet’s status as a critical Republic military outpost, the local government is controlled by criminal elements
The mountainous plains and volcanic islands of Ord Mantell are littered with the ravages of a ruthless civil war. Republic forces are fighting elusive separatists who are conducting guerilla style strikes against both military and civilian targets. Adding questions to an already questionable situation, the planet’s government, though loyal to the Republic, is merely a puppet regime for underworld concerns.Corellian colonists settled Ord Mantell nine thousand years ago, and the planet became a staging point for Republic military operations in the Outer Rim. Ord Mantell’s strategic value waned over the centuries, however, and after a corrupt admiral sold off the local fleet, the military all but abandoned the planet. Ord Mantell soon became a haven for smugglers, pirates, and bounty hunters, and the local government fell under the sway of the crime syndicates—a dynamic that remains in place to this day.Though largely uncontested during the war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, things changed after the Treaty of Coruscant. Though many star systems withdrew from the Republic, Ord Mantell’s corrupt governors decided it was better business to stay loyal. Not all of the planet’s populace agreed, however, and a separatist movement began and quickly escalated into an armed conflict.The marauders began a hit-and-run war to drive the military off the planet and achieve independence. Over the last two years, the separatist attacks have ravaged the landscape and de-stabilized the corrupted government. Despite the difficult situation, Ord Mantell’s defenses are being bolstered. Crime syndicates backing the local government are bringing in potent black-market technologies from Nar Shaddaa, and the Republic is deploying its most elite forces.The battle for Ord Mantell is just beginning.

Coruscant Coruscant

Core Worlds
Capital of the Republic
Sacked by the Sith Empire several years ago, Coruscant is still recovering. Many sectors in the lower levels have fallen under gang control.
The planet Coruscant has been the capital world of the Galactic Republic since the government’s inception. It is home of the Galactic Senate and the Supreme Chancellor, and its people have long been protected by both the Republic military and the Jedi Order. The world is open to all peaceful beings and sits at the center of the galaxy’s hyperspace network; Coruscant’s security, political prominence, and position at the center of galactic trade routes has transformed the planet’s surface into a single globe-spanning metropolis.It was long believed Coruscant would always remain safe from enemy attack. Located well within the Core Worlds region of space and watched over by the Jedi, it was felt that no invading force could successfully bypass the capital’s defenses. This belief was proven wrong, however, in the last days of the Great War. While delegations from both the Republic and the Sith Empire met on Alderaan to discuss a peace treaty the Empire successfully invaded Coruscant. Imperial forces destroyed the Jedi Temple and managed to kill the standing Supreme Chancellor; Coruscant was held hostage, and the Republic delegation was forced to accept the Empire’s terms.In the years following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant efforts have turned toward rebuilding what was lost in the Imperial attack. That said, insufficient funds and resources have forced the Senate to prioritize these recovery efforts; primary centers of commerce and politics have been restored, but much of the city still exists in a state of ruin. The Jedi Council founded a new Temple on the planet Tython, and much of the capital is now controlled by gangs and other criminals. Coruscant remains the center of life in the Galactic Republic, but a shadow resulting from the Empire’s attack on the planet serves to tarnish the world known as the center of the galaxy.

Dromund Kaas Dromund-Kaas

Seat of the Empire
Sith Empire
Imperial Capital
Swamps, Jungle, and the Metropolis of Kaas City
Rediscovered by the Sith Empire following their defeat in the Great Hyperspace War. Home to the Emperor and his Dark Council.
On the remote jungle world of Dromund Kaas, the Sith have spent a thousand years building their mighty war machine to prepare for an assault on the Galaxy.Colonized in ancient times by the Sith Empire, the hyperspace coordinates of the Dromund Kaas were lost to time, allowing the isolated planet to fade into distant memory. Following a crushing defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the handful of surviving Sith desperately sought to escape annihilation at the hands of their Jedi foes. The desperate Sith, leaving their collective destiny to chance, chose to forgo all known hyperspace routes and attempt a series of dangerously random hyperspace jumps and blind scouting missions. For 20 years the Sith armada drifted aimlessly in the forgotten regions of space before finally rediscovering the Dromund system.The Sith’s first century back on Dromund Kaas was dedicated to reestablishing the glory of Imperial society. In the depths of the jungle, the magnificent capital city of Kaas City was established and a citadel built – a standing testament to the power of the Emperor. Ceaselessly, the Empire worked to raise both army and fleet in preparation for their inevitable return to the greater galaxy. Power hungry, the Emperor spent great energy discovering and perfecting esoteric rites of darkness – rituals that wrecked the atmosphere of Dromund Kaas, transforming the ionosphere into a swirling electric storm.Now, more than one thousand years later, the Empire has returned to the galaxy – bringing full-scale war with it. The Sith have forced a great number of systems into submission in the war, however Dromund Kaas remains home to both the Emperor and his Dark Council. Even though the planet is bristling with the energy of the dark side, it is the Imperial military that has the largest visible presence on Dromund Kaas. It is here that the Empire’s power brokering games are played and alliances are forged and broken. For up-and-coming Moffs and Imperial intelligence operatives, success – and survival – hangs on the ability to master these games of intrigue.It is from here, on Dromund Kaas, that the dark hand of the Empire reaches ever outward.

Balmorra Balmorra

Colonies Region
Occupied by the Empire
War-torn Plains
The Sith Empire has taken a special interest in the manufacturing facilities on Balmorra, but a local resistance stands between them and full occupation.
Few places in the galaxy have seen the peace promised by the Treaty of Coruscant so thoroughly cast aside as the world of Balmorra. Fiercely independent, this long time ally of the Republic has led the galaxy in advanced droid and weapons manufacturing. Now Balmorra’s workers live and suffer under a full Imperial occupation force.Soon after Balmorra was colonized, in the infancy of the Republic, it became a haven for some of the most prolific manufacturers of fearsome weaponry and battle droids in the known galaxy. These terrible military assets, combined with the planet’s strategic location close to the Core Worlds, kept Balmorra in a constant state of war. Setting its sights on the weapons of war manufactured on the planet, the Sith Empire resolved to take Balmorra, and in answer the Galactic Republic sent soldiers to aid the Balmorrans in their fight to preserve their independence.As the war tore on and continued to spread, the strained Republic could no longer afford to spend its forces on Balmorra. Wave after wave of Republic troops were pulled off of the world for redeployment elsewhere in the galaxy, until finally, in accordance with the Treaty of Coruscant, the Republic was forced to officially end its support of Balmorra. A small, underground Republic force was left on the planet to aid their Resistance, but the Balmorrans knew the truth of it; they had been abandoned. Even so, the Empire was still unable to take full control of Balmorra.Now, years after the treaty, a regrouped and rebuilt Republic is testing the limits of their fragile peace with the Empire, sending back the reinforcements they had pulled off the planet years before. Although the Balmorrans are accepting of Republic help, they do little to hide their resentment at having been abandoned years before. Meanwhile, the Sith Empire is escalating their presence on the planet, determined to claim Balmorra’s weapons, and put an end to this conflict once and for all.

Nar’Shaddaa Nar-Shaddaa

Hutt Space
Neutral; Controlled by the Hutts
Nar Shaddaa has profited greatly from the war, rampant crime, and chaos.
Vast cityscape, ranging from neon towers to squalid dens
Due to the lack of regulation, many corporations conduct testing on Nar Shaddaa.
One of the most vibrant and dangerous places in the galaxy, Nar Shaddaa is a sprawling cityscape where nothing comes without a price. Dominated by a black market that caters to every indulgence, the moon has become the ultimate symbol of corruption. The upper levels present an endless parade of glittering neon towers and floating pleasure palaces; no greater concentration of wealth exists across the galaxy. Behind these flashy facades, crime bosses and secret political emissaries make backroom deals that decide the fates of worlds, and as much as both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire might like to change it, the Hutt Cartel calls the shots.For all the opulence above, however, an equal level of brutality lies below. The bowels of Nar Shaddaa hide some of the galaxy’s darkest secrets. In the pursuit of advanced technologies, unscrupulous enterprises conduct hazardous experiments on unwilling test subjects and crime lords employ slaves as fodder on industrial assembly lines. Fugitives hide from the law after committing heinous crimes, and prisoners who’ve vanished from all over the galaxy are held in anonymous and inescapable private prisons. Criminal enterprises beyond Hutt control compete for power, as well – foremost among them the Exchange syndicate, the Hutt Cartel’s only genuine rival. While the upper levels of Nar Shaddaa may be one of the most desirable places to visit in the galaxy, the moon’s lower levels are a place which anyone in their right mind would avoid at all costs.In the distant past, before becoming the Hutts’ showcase, Nar Shaddaa was used as a refugee camp for Evocii driven from Hutta itself. Then again, after the Jedi Civil War 300 years ago, Nar Shaddaa was swarmed with refugees who were used by the criminal Exchange to lure and capture any remaining Jedi. More recently, when the Great War began, it brought ruin to many star systems, but to Nar Shaddaa, it brought only more profit. While other systems were offering allegiance to the Empire or to the Republic, the Hutts controlling Nar Shaddaa realized they could keep their autonomy – and their increased profits – by dealing with both sides. This delicate balancing act has increased the risk of doing business, but it hasn’t deterred competition. The Exchange and the Hutt Cartel have engaged in a winner-takes-all crime war that spans the galaxy but centers on the tiny moon of Nar Shaddaa.

Alderaan Alderaan

Core Worlds
Several of Alderaan’s noble houses are battling for the throne in a brutal civil war
Forests, Hills and Snow-Capped Mountains
Following the Treaty of Coruscant, Alderaan seceded from the Galactic Republic
Alderaan had long been recognized as one of the Galactic Republic’s most notable member worlds. The planet’s inhabitants worked diligently to promote and safeguard peace in the galaxy. During the Great War, however, the Sith Empire invaded the world and overcame its defenders; the people of Alderaan faced an opponent that threatened to destroy the freedoms they so desperately held dear.The invasion of Alderaan was ultimately brought to a halt by the combined efforts of the Republic and the Jedi Order. By this time, however, the people of Alderaan had become enraged by the Sith occupation of their world; the people abandoned their hopes for peaceful solutions and raised their voices in support of war. The people’s new-found thirst for vengeance proved so great that when the Republic signed the Treaty of Coruscant several years later, Crown Prince Gaul Panteer marched from the Senate in outrage.Shortly after the Treaty was signed, Alderaan formally seceded from the Galactic Republic. The people’s reaction to this decision was mixed, but order was maintained for the next several years. This relative peace was finally shattered, however, when the Crown Prince was assassinated. The Queen died several days later, leaving House Panteer with neither a leader nor an heir. When Alderaan’s parliament proved incapable of deciding which noble house should gain the throne, the planet erupted into civil war. House Thul returned from exile and, with the support of the Sith Empire, has begun to rebuild its former holdings. In opposition of House Thul, House Organa began to accept support from the Galactic Republic. A third faction, led by former general and self-declared King Bouris Ulgo, seeks to claim the throne through direct military power. Neither the Republic nor the Empire has officially dispatched military forces to Alderaan, but both government are interested in the eventual outcome of the planet’s current hostilities.

Tatooine Tatooine

Outer Rim
Haven for Pirates and Smugglers
Seas of Sand and Rock
Abandoned by the Czerka Corporation
Far in the Outer Rim, the sands of Tatooine bake beneath the glare of two bright suns. Small pockets of barely civilized communities dot the desolate landscape, surrounded by the endless expanse of barren dunes and rocky canyons that have silently slain so many of those who ventured out into desert. Among the small shantytowns and settlements that persist, travelers may find shelter from the brutal climate, but trust is as rare as water on this lawless world. Visitors and locals alike must constantly watch their backs in Tatooine’s townships.For centuries, Tatooine was of little interest to the rest of the galaxy – until the Czerka Corporation showed up five hundred years ago, seeking to exploit the natural resources they believed were beneath Tatooine’s surface. Czerka’s efforts to mine Tatooine ended in failure, but the planet’s hostile environment proved to be the perfect place for Czerka’s Secret Weapons division. Able to operate with no restrictions, Czerka brought alien technologies and experiments too horrible or dangerous to be allowed on any other system in the galaxy. While the full scope of how far Czerka went with their research remains unknown, it’s clear that suddenly, and without warning, Czerka completely pulled out of Tatooine, leaving their Secret Weapons complex to be swallowed by the sands.The former Czerka outpost of Anchorhead has now become a lawless haven for smugglers, pirates and anyone else who wants to drop off the radar. Though Anchorhead often serves as a pit stop for Republic starships in the Outer Rim, the Republic has no official presence. Unbeknownst to the Republic however, the Imperial military has established a presence on Tatooine, to explore the old Czerka labs. The Empire has garrisoned a small force in the town of Mos Ila where industrious Jawa had restored a spaceport hoping to encourage trade, only to see their hard work taken over by Imperial troops who drove the Jawa back into the desert. This puts the Imperials only a short distance from the main community at Anchorhead.Between the two, a terrible secret sleeps in the sand.

Taris Taris

Outer Rim
Republic Re-Colonization Efforts Have Begun
Swamplands, Modern Ruins, Frequent Rainfall
Razed by Sith Lord Darth Malak 300 years ago during the Jedi Civil War
Taris is a post-apocalyptic swamp, abandoned but not forgotten by the greater galaxy for three centuries. Until recently, only overgrown ruins bore testimony to the thriving civilization that once dominated the surface – a civilization annihilated by the Sith Lord Darth Malak while seeking to eliminate the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan.As a symbol of hope and redemption in the face of Sith atrocities, the Republic has begun an unlikely effort to re-colonize Taris, establishing a spaceport, military base and the beginning of settlements amid the ruins. The remnants of the once great city-world have proven to be far more treacherous than anyone expected, though, and many believe the effort to reclaim Taris is doomed to end in disaster. One thing is certain – cleaning up what the Sith destroyed isn’t nearly as perilous as facing what they didn’t.Deep in the dark swampy ruins lies the legacy of a centuries old plague, once confined to Taris’ demolished Undercity. Bands of horrific rakghouls – abominations created by Sith alchemy – ravage the planet’s surface. Each vicious attack carries the chance of transforming the victim into a diseased monstrosity. There are scattered reports that some of these rakghouls are evolving bizarre, freakish powers.Determined to overcome the challenges, Republic and Jedi leaders are moving forward with the efforts at colonization. Rebuilding what the Sith destroyed 300 years ago would be a monumental symbolic victory, showing the galaxy that the Sith are not to be feared. But the Empire has no intention of allowing such a significant achievement.

Quesh Quesh

Hutt Space
The Empire has moved in to hijack Republic mining operations.
Primarily Toxic Swampland and Marshes
Naturally occurring chemicals in the planet’s atmosphere can be used to create valuable adrenals.
Environmental poisons have made Quesh one of the most dangerous and valuable planets in the galaxy, and the grounds for a savage battle between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Though the chemicals on Quesh are lethal to most life forms, they can also be used to create some of the most potent adrenals in the galaxy… and untold wealth for whoever controls the ingredients.Initially discovered by the Republic during the Great War, Quesh was abandoned after scientists detected the poisonous content of its atmosphere. It wasn’t until years later that a young chemist rummaging through old data recognized the potential for the chemical compounds on Quesh—they are incredibly close to venenit shadaaga (Hutt Venom), a primary ingredient in high-grade adrenals for healing, reflexes, and concentration.If the Republic could find a way to process the delicate chemicals, it would provide a major source of new income at a critical time in the war effort. Ultimately though, Republic engineers were unable to master the techniques to synthesize the adrenals. They were forced to seek help from some unlikely allies– the Hutts. Three families from the Hutt Cartel were quietly convinced to step around their neutrality treaty with the Empire in return for a cut of adrenal profits that not even a Hutt could refuse. The Cartel, so long as they received their share, looked the other way.Within a decade, the Republic was fully invested in Quesh. Despite efforts to keep Quesh a guarded secret, miner and worker gossip slowly crept out. It wasn’t long before the Empire heard about this vast source of chemical wealth – and the treaty-breaking Hutts. The Cartel was forced to declare the Republic-aligned Hutts traitors, and assist the Empire as it launched a full-scale attack on Quesh, seeking to destroy Republic efforts and claim the resource for its own.Now, the Republic struggles to defend its investment from the Empire and their unhappy Hutt Cartel allies.

Hoth Hoth

Outer Rim
No government
Frozen, Desolate wasteland
A major battle of the Great War occurred in Hoth’s orbit littering the planet with wreckage.
One of the most remote and lifeless planets in the known galaxy, Hoth was of no real interest to the Republic until it became the site of a devastating military defeat. At the height of the Great War, Republic and Imperial fleets clashed in the Hoth system in a decisive battle which saw the destruction of some of the most advanced and powerful starships in the galaxy.In the aftermath of the battle, the icy planet of Hoth became a massive starship graveyard, littered with the wreckage of hundreds of warships from both sides, including several prototype ships the Republic had deployed in the hope of turning the tide of the war. As the war raged on, though, neither the Republic nor the Empire had the time and resources to mount a recovery operation.Upon learning of the wealth of technology abandoned on Hoth, an ambitious pirate confederation started their own salvage operation. They brought an army of droids and mercenaries and began looting all useful remnants from the wreckage in an effort to piece together their own battle cruisers and create a pirate armada.In the wake of the Treaty of Coruscant, however, both Republic and Empire have returned to reclaim what’s left of their war machines, and Hoth has become a point of considerable contention. Despite the peace and the planet’s remote location, skirmishes have broken out often, and now both superpowers have become entrenched—committed to fighting for Hoth until the cold, bitter end.

Belsavis Belsavis

Outer Rim
Following the Chaos of an Imperial Prison Break Initiative, the Republic is Striving to Restore Order
Ice Covered with Small Pockets of Volcanic Temperate Zones
Prison world maintained by the Republic
Republic knowledge of Belsavis predates the Great Hyperspace War, but for centuries, the planet warranted little attention. With the exception of some unusual volcanic activity, the planet was deemed, in all ways, unremarkable. Belsavis was added to the star charts then summarily dismissed as nothing more than another curiosity of the Outer Rim.Fifty years ago, while investigating the planet’s tropical rifts that seemed to defy the ice shelves in completely unnatural ways, Republic scientists stumbled upon an ancient prison constructed by the Rakatan Empire. Behind the force fields and ultra hard metals were the most terrifying prisoners in the galaxy. Republic efforts to explore and secure the dilapidated network of vaults were impeded by ferocious alien species, and nearly unstoppable droids.Realizing it was only a matter of time before the vaults and stasis chambers containing the worst of these prisoners failed, the Republic committed a force to maintain the complex, and establish a new Republic prison on Belsavis’ unused surface. In secret Strategic Information Service meetings it was decided that this new prison, dubbed “the Tomb”, was only to be used in cases where execution was impractical or impossible.Once the Great War erupted, the Tomb’s population rapidly increased. Mandalorians, Sith Lords, and creations of Sith alchemy were sent to Belsavis for containment. As rumors of the Tomb’s existence spread, Imperial Intelligence began searching for the legendary super prison. Despite Republic efforts to keep its location a secret, the Empire learned of the operation on Belsavis and sent strike teams to liberate all the imprisoned Sith.In the short time since the Imperials arrived, the prison grounds have been transformed into a labyrinth of battle and chaos. The Empire has discovered that extracting its loyal subjects from among their violent fellow inmates will not be easy, and even though the Republic is rushing to restore order, the threat of the mysterious evil breaking loose from its ancient prison is becoming all too real.

Voss Voss

Outer Rim
Failed Imperial conquest, now both sides vie for alliance
Forest, Mountains, Plateaus
Jedi and Sith ruins point to ancient contact
Voss is a planet of more questions than answers. Discovered by accident shortly after the Treaty of Coruscant, its rocky plateaus, unspoiled peaks and verdant forests were at first thought to be inhabited only by Gormak, a tech-savvy but pre-space flight species of extremely hostile natives. When the second, much less populous species on Voss made itself known, however, the galaxy was thrown into turmoil and the war almost restarted.Primarily isolated on one tall peak and outnumbered by millions of their enemies, the non-Gormak natives use the same name for themselves as for their world: Voss. Locked in a losing war with an implacable enemy that sees them as a violation of the natural order, the hard-pressed Voss have survived centuries of Gormak assaults through the disciplined training of their Commandos, the placement and fortifications of their mountain city and the infallible guidance of the Voss Mystics.The Voss Mystics are Force users of incredible power. Both the Sith and Jedi agree on this one point. The Voss do not. Voss know nothing of the Force and are uninterested in outsider opinions. Mystics have visions that are never wrong. The Voss follow these visions and survive. When the Sith Empire schemed to conquer Voss, the Republic sought to defend the planet–but the Mystics foresaw both plots and in the end a fleet disappeared, an Empire was humbled and two mighty powers came to Voss peacefully to win favor.

Corellia Corellia

Core Worlds
Rumors of Imperial Influence Over Corellian Leaders
Environmentally-Conscious Cityscape
One of the most important centers for starship construction and other military-industrial developments.
A founding member of the Galactic Republic, Corellia is one of the most vibrant business centers in the galaxy, and of the highest strategic importance. Besides being the hub for galactic corporate enterprise and maintaining a vocal presence in the Senate, Corellia is also the birthplace of many Republic economic, political, and military leaders. While Coruscant is a symbol of Republic power and tradition, Corellia is a testament to the Republic’s resourcefulness and respect for personal and economic freedom.Corellia’s capital, Coronet City, is a model of efficient industry blended with environmental aesthetics. Determined to maintain their world’s beauty and individuality, Corellians protected large swaths of parkland in the city’s heart. The city is also renowned for its widespread maglev train system. Underneath this sophisticated façade though, an atmosphere of corruption lies just beneath the surface. Corporate influence has always driven Corellian political policy, and most Corellians accept this as fair bargain for the freedoms and economic prosperity it affords.Despite their appreciation for a lax legal system, Corellians are known to be staunchly loyal to the Republic. This is why recent rumors of Imperial influence in the local government went largely ignored until now. Nothing has been confirmed by reliable sources, but official lines of communication between Corellia and the Republic have recently been suddenly and mysteriously shut down.Holo-video and images from Corellia show widespread destruction in Coronet city, and though an act of terrorism has not been ruled out, some fear the situation may be more serious. However dire circumstances are, though, the rugged and resilient spirit of the Corellian people is sure to have survived, and rest-assured, the Republic will stop at nothing to protect this planet that is so critical to the Republic’s infrastructure and its culture.

Ilum Ilum

Unknown Regions
Ilum’s natural crystal formations are capable of harnessing power that the Empire has become interested in.
Mountainous Ice World with Subterranean Crystals
The Sith Empire has sent a covert team to Ilum to harvest crystals for a dangerous new project.
For centuries, a treasure trove of resources lay untapped in the most unexpected of places–a small, frigid world at the edge of the galaxy—Ilum.The first to discover Ilum’s potential were the Jedi. The planet’s wealth of subterranean Adegan crystals proved to be perfectly attuned for use in Lightsabers, and Jedi began undertaking pilgrimages to Ilum to forge their legendary weapons. Dangerous and far from civilization, many Jedi lost their lives to Ilum’s bizarre beasts and brutal climate.Over the years, the Order established small enclaves and discreet Temples to provide shelter for Jedi who made the long journey. Ilum became a rite of passage for powerful Jedi constructing new Lightsabers and a safe harbor for respected Jedi Masters seeking a quiet place for intense meditation.Recently, however, the peace on Ilum was shattered. Inexplicably, the Sith Empire learned of the planet’s location and attacked with a mighty force of shock troops and Sith, slaughtering the small group of Jedi on the planet and leaving their sanctuaries in ruins. Though the Order was devastated to lose control of this sacred space, Republic resources have been spread too thin to mount a counter-attack.Recent intelligence, however, has suggested that the Sith’s interest in Ilum extends far beyond simply harvesting Lightsaber crystals. Watching the Empire devote so many resources to operations on this remote world, Republic leaders and members of the Jedi Council have begun to question whether they might have surrendered a resource of far greater value than anyone ever imagined…

Planetary Progression:

If you follow your class story, you will progress through the planets in a specific order, which should roughly follow your leveling progression as well. Note: your mileage will vary and the levels listed are rough estimates. Generally speaking, you should be within 2 levels of the starting and ending ranges however.
Tython / Ord Mantell / Korriban / Hutta – Starter planets for levels 1-10
Coruscant / Dromund Kaas – Capital planets for levels 10-16
Taris / Balmorra – 3rd planet, Republic players will go to their own section of Taris while Imperial players go to their own section of Balmorra for levels 16-20
Nar Shaddaa – 4th planet, and the first cross-faction area for levels 20-24
Tatooine – 5th planet for levels 24-28
Alderaan – 6th planet for levels 28-32
Balmorra / Taris – 7th planet, Republic players will go to their own section of Balmorra while Imperial players go to their own section of Taris this time, for levels 32-36
Quesh – 8th planet for levels 36-37
Hoth – 9th planet for levels 37-41
Belsavis – 10th planet for levels 41-44
Voss – 11th planet for levels 44-47
Corellia – 12th planet for levels 47-50
Ilum – 13th planet for level 50

Game Systems


General Companion Info:
One of the unique aspects to TOR is the companion system. Functionally they will feel somewhat familiar to people that have played pet classes in other MMOs, but they are quite different from playing a hunter with his bear.
First off, companions are not pets. You do not go out into the game world and randomly “tame” an NPC you would like to use as a companion. Every companion in the game is intimately tied into each of the class stories, and each companion will have their own personalities and play styles.
Each companion for each class will be recruited into your team as you progress through your class story. This is the only trigger that matters; recruitment is independent of class level or planetary story arcs. Some companions will annoy you and disagree with almost every choice you make. These are not yes-men that will scrape and bow and acquiesce to everything you say just because they’re your companion. That said, companions aren’t meant to be annoying, they just have their own personalities and views. A person playing as a Light Side Sith Sorcerer may get along great with a companion that a person playing the same class Dark Side will detest and argue with.
Companion Affection:
If you do a lot of questing with your companion, you can always switch to companions that may find your choices more agreeable as well. This is a great way to build affection with companions that tend to side more with your choices. Companion affection in TOR will also lead to companion quests unlocking.
When a companion says they wish to speak with you privately, you can usually speak with them in areas considered “rest areas,” which include Cantinas and your ship. Some conversations can only be completed while on your ship however, so try there if they won’t seem to talk to you otherwise. Companion quests are tied to both your affection level with them and to your class level and story progression. If you feel you have pretty high affection with a companion and they won’t offer a new quest, just check back later when you’ve progressed some more on your own.
If you’re trying to build affection with specific companions, you can also give them gifts. Gifts for companions can be bought from Companion Gift vendors, as well as found through any of the Mission Skills (see Crew Skills for more info). Each companion will have their own likes and dislikes concerning gifts as well, so try to find a gift that closely matches a companion’s personality.
Companion Combat:
Now, concerning combat with companions: each class gains access to 5 combat companions and your ship droid, for a total of 6 companions. Each of the 5 combat companions will have their own play styles, and each class will gain a companion for each of the following styles:
Melee Tank
Melee DPS
Ranged Tank
Ranged DPS
The order you recruit the companions varies between classes. In other words, some classes may start with a ranged tank, while others may get a ranged tank as their 4th companion.
Each companion will have a number of abilities which they can use while in combat. As you level up your character, your companions will unlock new abilities as well. Under their portrait you will only see 4 companion ability slots, but if you use the “~” key, it will expand their action bar and you can view all of their learned abilities. Many of the abilities can be toggled as active or inactive. If the icon has a flat oval near the bottom, clicking on that ability will either darken (turn off) or lighten (turn on) the oval. Active abilities will be used by the companions on their own and will not require the player to activate them themselves.
Class Companions: (Spoilers)
The following is a list of each companion, by class, and most of their pertinent information. By it’s nature, the list will contain spoilers, so if you wish to be surprised it would be advisable to skip the next section.
Special Note: I listed “Personality” as a general light or dark description, but companions are neither light side or dark side in the game. This description is purposefully vague as many companions you will need to discover their personalities on your own to figure out what conversation choices they may agree or disagree with. Just because a companion acts fairly evil, doesn’t mean they will agree with every dark side choice you make. I also list the planets each companion are recruited on. Typically you will receive the companion at or near the end of your class story chain on the listed planet, but some companions will be gained immediately following the listed planet during your class story, which may take you to another planet. I’ll be listing gifts as “Loves” or “Likes” and the rest should be considered as ‘indifferent towards.” Gifts that companions love will give the most affection points, gifts they like will give less points, and indifferent usually give no gains.

Republic Classes:

All Republic characters also gain C2-N2 as their ship’s droid. This will be everyone’s 2nd companion, other than the Jedi Knight, and is useful for crafting early in the game.

Jedi Knight

Name: T7-01
Sex: N/A
Race: Astromech Droid
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol or Blaster Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Tython
Personality: Light
Likes – Jedi, morally correct actions, defeating the empire
Dislikes – Bullying, killing innocents, disrespecting authority
Romance: N/A
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Republic Memorabilia, Technology
Likes – Military Gear, Weapons
Crew Skills: +10 Bioanalysis efficiency, +2 Slicing Critical
Voice Actor: 
Background: A quirky and surprisingly stubborn astromech droid with a lively personality and strong independent streak, T7-01 serves the Jedi by bravely facing danger on a daily basis. Skilled in high-resolution sensor scans, mechanical repair and starship piloting (along with numerous undocumented talents), the droid’s hard work is responsible for saving dozens, if not hundreds, of lives on Tython alone.
Little is known about T7 before the droid came into the service of the Jedi. Certain features of its construction hint at it being a custom model built some time ago, but there are no official records to substantiate the theory. Despite the uncertainty of its origins, the droid’s enthusiasm and willingness to put itself in harm’s way leave little doubt as to its loyalty.
Kira Carsen
Name: Kira Carson
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Willpower
Primary Weapon: Polesaber
Secondary Weapon: Focus
Recruited: Coruscant
Personality: Light
Likes – Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire
Dislikes – Bullying, acting like a mercenary, cooperating with Sith
Romance: Yes/Male
Loves – Courting, Luxury, Technology
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Military Gear, Republic Memorabilia, Trophies, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +5 Synthweaving Critical, +1 Investigation Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy’s most unpleasant worlds.
Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi–and a world-weary sophisticate’s attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path.
Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira’s sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.
Name: Doc
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
Recruited: Balmorra
Personality: Light
Likes – Looking like a hero, romance and flirtation, helping those in need
Dislikes – Looking bad, hurting the innocent, refusing to help
Romance: Yes/Female
Loves – Courting, Luxury
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Military Gear, Technology, Trophies, Weapons, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Biochem Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: The brilliant med-tech known simply as “Doc” is driven to bring quality health care to underserved star systems. This has led Doc to keep some unusual company: pathosis-riddled crime lord Fashaka Four-Toes, the Red Band Rebels of Cadinth and even the Imperial military during a brief stint impersonating a member of the Imperial Medical Corps on the conquered planet Sullust.
Doc has a talent for using bad people to save good lives–a fact he emphasizes to anyone within earshot. Some characterize Doc as a blowhard and scoundrel, but these individuals have never required his impressive surgical skills. Doc has visited every major galactic battleground over the past five years and saved more lives than even he can count.
Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk
Name: Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk
Sex: Male
Race: Chagrian
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Dark
Likes – Killing Imperials, protecting the Republic, motivating others to fight
Dislikes – Avoiding fights, weakness, disrespecting authority
Romance: No
Loves -Military Gear, Republic Memorabilia, Weapons
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Luxury, Technology, Trophies
Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency
Voice Actor:
Background: Raised by a colony of pacifist Chagrians, Rusk rebelled against his family’s beliefs and enlisted with the Republic military as soon as he could. At first, he proved to be a brilliant soldier and was identified as a rising star in the Republic’s ranks. Somewhere along the way, however, his bravery crossed the line into recklessness.
Although he still accomplished his missions, casualty rates among his squad rose astronomically. Rusk quickly became a pariah among other soldiers, including his superiors. His aggressive pursuit of victory over the Empire at any cost has earned him many medals from politicians, but no promotions from his commanders.
Lord Scourge
Name: Lord Scourge
Sex: Male
Race: Sith Pureblood
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Strength
Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Post Hoth
Personality: Dark/Redeemed
Likes – Using power against the weak, power, anger, revenge and spite
Dislikes – Greed, acts of mercy, Jedi and Republic authorities
Romance: No
Loves – Imperial Memorabilia, Technology, Trophies
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Military Gear, Weapons, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Artifice Efficiency, +10 Archaeology Efficiency
Voice Actor:
Background: As the Sith Emperor’s personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi–and ten times as many Sith. Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoid offending the man bearing the title “the Emperor’s Wrath.”
Lord Scourge has dutifully served the Empire for over three hundred years, his life unnaturally prolonged by perverse technology and his master’s dark side powers. Centuries spent watching his fellow Sith Lords rise and fall has given Lord Scourge a unique perspective on people. He can analyze someone’s flaws after only brief observation, and freely shares his perceptions (whether they’re wanted or not).

Jedi Consular

Qyzen Fess
Name: Qyzen Fess
Sex: Male
Race: Trandoshan
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Tython
Personality: Light
Likes – Killing powerful enemies, encouraging others to defend themselves, danger, honor
Dislikes – Killing the weak, mercenary work, sparing powerful enemies
Romance: No
Loves – Weapons
Likes – Military Gear, Technology, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +5 Biochem, +15 Archaeology
Voice Actor:
Background: In contrast to many Trandoshans, Qyzen Fess rejected the path of a mercenary to become a hunter of the galaxy’s most dangerous beasts. Earning “Jagganath points” with every honorable kill, Qyzen has traveled for years, seeking worthy prey and honoring his goddess, the Scorekeeper. Although his travels have brought him to Tython several times, he is never seen by the Jedi if Yuon Par is not at the temple.
Despite his disdain of fame and fortune, Qyzen has attracted some notoriety. He often slips through apparently watertight Imperial borders to follow his prey, much to the consternation of the Empire’s officials. Qyzen is also the only living hunter to have killed a greater crested gundark, thought extinct for centuries. His simple habits and devotion to the Scorekeeper give him common ground with the Jedi, though many disapprove of the attitudes and instincts that come naturally to a Trandoshan.
Tharan Cedrax
Name: Theran Cedrex
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
Recruited: Nar Shaddaa
Personality: Grey
Likes – Cleverness, logical thinking, aiding scientists and beautiful women, getting something for nothing
Dislikes – Mystical Jedi nonsense, Force Persuade, destroying science, heroism that involves danger
Romance: No
Loves – Luxury, Technology
Likes – Courting, Cultural Artifacts, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +10 Slicing Efficiency
Voice Actor:
Background: Although not a household name, Tharan Cedrax is well-known in several circles. In the casinos of Nar Shaddaa, he is cursed as a card-counting mathematical genius. To the eligible women of the galaxy, he is a famous charmer who sees rejection as an intriguing challenge. Among technologists, he earned accolades for solving a technical paradox that revolutionized computer slicing; despite his achievements, however, Tharan isn’t taken seriously by the galaxy’s scientific community, which looks down on him as a playboy rather than a serious researcher.
In recent years, Tharan has taken an interest in “exo-technology,” an almost unknown field involving esoteric alien sciences, and gone into business making custom gadgets for wealthy clients. Often accompanied by his lovely holographic companion, Holiday, Tharan has spent his credits freely, enjoying the very best Nar Shaddaa has to offer while staying just shy of its dangers.
Name: Zenith
Sex: Male
Race: Twilek
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
Recruited: Balmorra
Personality: Grey
Likes – Hurting Imperials, standing up for the weak, stubborness, resolve
Dislikes – Mercy to the Empire, betrayal, second chances for those who do wrong
Romance: No
Loves – Weapons
Likes – Military Gear, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +15 Investigation Efficiency, +1 Underworld Trading Crit
Voice Actor:
Background: “Zenith” is the codename of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra’s oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces.
Years spent in hiding and seeing the plight of Balmorran citizens have left Zenith with a deep-seated paranoia and hatred of the Empire–especially Balmorra’s Sith governor, Darth Lachris. Nothing enrages him more than those who collaborate with the oppressors; he has been known to refuse aid to Balmorrans who cooperate with Imperial soldiers. The sacrifices he has endured have also nurtured Zenith’s ambitions–when Balmorra is finally free, someone will have to ensure her new government is strong enough to prevent another occupation.
Lieutenant Felix Iresso
Name: Lieutenant Felix Iresso
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Light
Likes – Republic Military, leadership, danger for the greater good, honor and mercy
Dislikes – Breaking the law, cruelty
Romance: Yes/Female
Loves – Republic Memorabilia, Trophies, Courting (from females)
Likes – Luxury, Weapons
Crew Skills: +2 Armstech Critical, +2 Scavenging Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: The son of refugees made homeless during the Great War, Lieutenant Felix Iresso has been a career soldier for many years. His file shows participation in several notable battles, including the so-called Eight-Hour Invasion of Dubrillion where Republic forces repelled an Imperial invasion force with minimal reinforcements. Since then, Lieutenant Iresso has earned excellent technical scores and commendations for exemplary service.
However, his file also contains some discrepancies. Lieutenant Iresso has one of the highest transfer rates in the Republic military, serving under almost a dozen commanders across the galaxy in two years. The lieutenant has also been overlooked for promotion several times. The only explanation from his superiors is a reference to an incident on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by the Empire, but no details are given.
Nadia Grell
Name: Nadia Grell
Sex: Female
Race: Sarkhai
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Willpower
Primary Weapon: Polesaber
Secondary Weapon: Focus
Recruited: Belsavis
Personality: Light
Likes – Learning, helping the weak, charity, mercy, testing her powers
Dislikes – Cruelty, dark Jedi, insulting authority
Romance: Yes/Male
Loves – Courting, Cultural Artifacts, Republic Memorabilia
Likes – Luxury, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Synthweaving, +2 Diplomacy Critical
Voice Actor: Holly Fields
Background: A native of distant Sarkhai and daughter of Senator Tobas Grell, Nadia Grell is a newcomer not only to the Republic, but to the entire concept of space exploration. Surrounded by new species and strange cultures, Nadia is eager to experience everything she can. She has become interested in the intricacies of galactic diplomacy while traveling alongside her father, and often acts as his assistant during talks.
As she revealed on Attis Station, Nadia is also strong in the Force; unusually strong, in fact. As Force-sensitives are relatively unknown on Sarkhai, Nadia’s untrained powers left her shunned and feared by her own people. Senator Grell’s decision to take her with him when he left Sarkhai was motivated by the hope of finding others like her in the Republic, and perhaps discovering some way for her to control her incredible talents.


Aric Jorgan
Name: Aric Jorgan
Sex: Male
Race: Cathar
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Ord Mantell
Personality: Light
Likes – Efficiency, duty, The Republic Military, honesty
Dislikes – Failure, excuses, callous sacrifices
Romance: Yes/Female
Loves – Military Gear, Weapons, Courting (from females)
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Republic Memorabilia, Technology, Trophies
Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Diplomacy Critical
Voice Actor: Timothy Omundson
Background: A born leader, Aric Jorgan is one of the Republic’s most capable field officers. He enlisted in the military at an early age and quickly distinguished himself as a talented marksman. His impeccable service record earned him a spot in the Republic’s top sniper squad, where he successfully carried out over a dozen missions against high-ranking Imperial targets.
Since his transfer to Fort Garnik, Jorgan has earned a reputation as a hard and demanding taskmaster. However, few realize his surly demeanor belies a genuine concern for the well-being of his troops. While those under his command may not particularly like the brooding Cathar, they almost always respect him.
Elara Dorne
Name: Elara Dorne
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Taris
Personality: Light
Likes – Rules, propriety, selflessness
Dislikes – Unnecessary violence, corruption
Romance: Yes/Male
Loves – Luxury, Courting (from males)
Likes – Military, Republic Memorabilia, Technology
Crew Skills: +10 Biochem Efficiency, +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency
Voice Actor: Moira Quirk
Background: A highly talented field medic, Elara Dorne was born Imperial and served in the Empire’s military for two years before defecting to the Republic. She has since served with distinction as a search-and-rescue squad leader, earning several commendations for aiding wounded men under direct enemy fire. Her operational record is flawless.
What no record can show is that Dorne’s background, combined with her strict adherence to regulations and rigid, uncompromising personality, has made her fairly unpopular with her fellow soldiers. In truth, she’s widely regarded as a cold, asocial killjoy, an unfortunate side effect of her dedication to embodying the laws and ideals of the Republic.
Name: M1-4X
Sex: N/A
Race: Assault Droid
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Nar Shaddaa
Personality: Light
Likes – Destroying the Republic’s enemies, Pro-Republic messages, courage
Dislikes – Anything against the Republic’s goals
Romance: N/A
Loves – Republic Memorabilia, Technology
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Military Gear, Trophies, Weapons
Crew Skills: +5 Cybertech, +5 Scavenging Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: M1-4X is a highly advanced war droid designed and built specifically to serve in Havoc Squad. As such, his engineers programmed him to be a perfect soldier: completely loyal, fervently patriotic, and willing and eager to go to any length or face any risk in order to destroy the Republic’s enemies.
M1-4X’s armor plating, weapons systems and processing power are significantly advanced over typical military droid standards, due in large part to his unusual power core. Constructed by an unknown group or organization, the core was recovered during a classified operation and has output capabilities far beyond conventional models.
Tanno Vik
Name: Tanno Vik
Sex: Male
Race: Weequay
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Balmorra
Personality: Dark
Likes – Ruthlessness, mercenary behavior, mocking authority and everyone else, blowing things up
Dislikes – Kindness, self-sacrifice
Romance: No
Loves – Underworld Goods, Weapons
Likes – Military Gear, Technology
Crew Skills: +5 Armormech Critical, +1 Underworld Trading Critical
Voice Actor: David Anthony Pizzuto
Background: One of the most talented demolitions experts to ever serve in the Republic military, Tanno Vik is charming, highly skilled and completely amoral. Born to the lawless streets of Nar Shaddaa, Vik is accustomed to putting his own interests first; enlistment was merely a convenient means of escape after betraying one criminal partner too many. But once he got his hands on the most advanced weapons and explosives in the galaxy, he was hooked.
During training, Vik impressed his instructors with his unprecedented speed at locating structural weaknesses in everything from buildings to vehicles, ensuring that he always planted his explosives where they would do the most damage. He was even considered for entry into Special Forces division, but his belligerent attitude and disregard for authority held him back. Criminal accusations were registered against him throughout his short service career, leading to his eventual conviction and discharge.
Sergeant Yuun
Name: Sergeant Yuun
Sex: Male
Race: Gand
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Light
Likes – Mysteries, respect for unusual people/beliefs, patience, self-restraint
Dislikes – Unnecessary violency, chaos, rudeness, recklessness, bragging
Romance: No
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Technology, Trophies
Likes – Military Gear, Republic Memorabilia, Weapons
Crew Skills: +10 Investigation, +10 Slicing
Voice Actor:
Background: Even in an organization as diverse as the Republic Army, Yuun stands out. A member of the Gand species and hailing from the Gand homeworld, Yuun is a Findsman, a type of shamanistic tracker held in very high regard among his people. He applies his unusual training to technical tasks of every kind, resulting in a success record unmatched by any other technician in the military.
As effective as Yuun’s methods are, they rarely meet with understanding or approval from his fellow soldiers. But despite his eccentricities, Yuun’s fighting skill and calm approach to any challenge generally earn at least the grudging respect of the men and women he serves with.


Corso Riggs
Name: Corso Riggs
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol or Blaster Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Ord Mantell
Personality: Light
Likes – Protecting the weak, being nice to ladies, punishing bad guys
Dislikes – Hurting for profit, hurting women no matter what they did, working with Sith or Imperials
Romance: Yes/Female
Loves – Military Gear, Weapons, Courting (from females)
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Luxury, Republic Memorabilia, Technology, Trophies
Crew Skills: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Armstech Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Corso Riggs is a cheerful, disarmingly optimistic mercenary soldier. Raised as a rancher’s son on the rough frontier of Ord Mantell, Corso developed a mixture of naive innocence and primitive toughness, wrapped with old-fashioned chivalry.
In addition to his gung-ho enjoyment of a good, dirty fight and his encyclopedic knowledge of weapons, Corso remains a ray of sunshine in even the worst circumstances. He has no sense of his own mortality and is absolutely convinced he’s going to live forever. Corso also has a soft spot for damsels in distress, even when it’s clear they’re up to no good.
Name: Bowdaar
Sex: Male
Race: Wookie
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Strength
Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Nar Shaddaa
Personality: Light
Likes – A good fight against worthy foes, protecting the weak, personal honor
Dislikes – Cruelty, bullying, slavery, respecting authority that’s in the wrong
Romance: No
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Trophies, Weapons
Likes – Military Gear, Luxury, Technology, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency
Voice Actor:
Background: The mighty Wookiee gladiator named Bowdaar has spent over a century facing countless opponents without ever losing a match. He solidified his title as the galaxy’s greatest gladiator when he defeated notorious Wookiee-hunter Karssk on Ord Mantell. The more gullible underworld scum whisper that Bowdaar is an immortal creature who can’t be killed, but those who have faced him and lived know that he is simply the best there is.
On the surface, Bowdaar may seem like a simple-minded brute, but nothing could be further from the truth. Case in point: Bowdaar eventually discovered the identity of the Transdoshans who first captured and enslaved him. One night in an arena on Loovria, Bowdaar learned that his former captors were sitting in the stands. An unfortunate “weapons malfunction” caused the drunken Trandoshan slavers to meet an untimely–and extremely messy–end.
Name: Risha
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
Recruited: Alderaan
Personality: Grey
Likes – Self-interest, profit, secrets and new tech
Dislikes – Unprofessional or emotional behavior, killing innocents, working with the stupid or uneducated
Romance: Yes/Male
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Luxury, Technology, Underworld Goods
Likes – Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear, Republic Memorabilia, Weapons
Crew Skills: +15 Diplomacy, +1 Slicing Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crime lord Nok Drayen. Considering her upbringing as a violent gangster’s child, it’s a wonder Risha turned out remotely normal. Wise and experienced beyond her years, she has led an adventurous life containing some extremely dark chapters.
Despite her biting sarcasm and general selfishness, one can never shake the feeling that Risha would be a better person if only she knew how. Years spent among the galaxy’s dregs have fostered layers of personal self-defense mechanisms and a cynical shell around her. Only the most persistent friend has any hope of meeting the “real” Risha hiding beneath the surface.
Akaavi Spar
Name: Akavi Spaar
Sex: Female
Race: Mandalorian
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Balmorra
Personality: Dark
Likes – Combat challenges, profit, irritating authority figures
Dislikes – The Republic, dishonorable acts, mercy
Romance: Yes/Male
Loves – Military Gear, Trophies, Weapons, Courting (from males)
Likes – Imperial Memorabilia, Republic Memorabilia, Technology, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Armormech, +2 Bioanalysis Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Akaavi Spar was born into a respected Mandalorian clan and became one of its finest warriors. She killed her first foe–an abusive Abyssin mercenary–at the age of eight using an improvised flamethrower. This victory earned her the nickname “firehand” among her clan and marked the beginning of an impressive career as an Imperial bounty hunter. Akaavi captured and killed all manner of targets in her youth, from career criminals to Jedi.
When her entire clan was framed for crimes against the Empire and executed, Akaavi alone survived the brutal purge–but her outlook on the galaxy changed forever. With no connection to her Mandalorian heritage, she became a wandering mercenary loyal to no one.
Lunguss "Guss" Tuno
Name: Lunguss “Guss” Tuno
Sex: Male
Race: Mon Calamari
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Grey
Likes – Mocking Force users, profit from those who can afford it, a good scam
Dislikes – Killing innocents, risking your neck for nothing
Romance: No
Loves – Luxury, Technology, Underworld Goods
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Imperial Memorabilia, Republic Memorabilia, Trophies
Crew Skills: +10 Archaeology, +2 Treasure Hunting Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: A failed Jedi Padawan who abandoned his training, the enthusiastically greedy Guss Tuno prefers the underworld lifestyle’s potential for material riches. In a perfect galaxy, Guss would spend his retirement lounging in a heated swimming pool surrounded by exotic beauties while consuming a steady diet of fresh fish and expensive cocktails.
Although he often speaks before he thinks, Guss has talked his way out of certain death many times. He often uses his minimal knowledge of Jedi–and the lightsaber he stole from his old master–to fool gullible criminals into leaving him alone. When that fails, Guss reveals he’s a much better shot than anyone would believe.

Empire Classes:

All Empire characters also gain 2V-R8 as their ship’s droid. This will be everyone’s 2nd companion, and is useful for crafting early in the game.

Sith Warrior

Name: Vette
Sex: Female
Race: Twilek
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Recruited: Korriban
Personality: Grey
Likes – Anti-authority behavior, protecting the weak, treasure and getting paid
Dislikes – Bullying, killing innocents, kissing up
Romance: Yes/Male/LS
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Luxury, Underworld Goods, Courting (from males)
Likes – Imperial Memorabilia, Republic Memorabilia, Technology, Weapons
Crew Skills: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Treasure Hunting Critical
Voice Actor: Catherine Taber
Background: A Twi’lek born into slavery on the planet Ryloth, Vette escaped a life of servitude to become an accomplished rogue and treasure hunter. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining entry into the most sacred Sith tombs before being caught.
Years of travel and close calls have made Vette quick with a blaster. Outspoken, uppity and unfiltered, she can be fiercely loyal or relentlessly taxing, making her a source of annoyance to some and of great amusement to others.
Malavai Quinn
Name: Malavai Quinn
Sex: Male
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Vibroknife
Recruited: Balmorra
Personality: Light
Likes – Patriotism to the Empire, rewarding hard work, honor
Dislikes – Selfishness, betrayal, irrational behavior
Romance: Yes/Female/LS
Loves – Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear, Weapons, Courting (from females)
Likes – Technology, Trophies
Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +10 Diplomacy Efficiency
Voice Actor: Richard Teverson
Background: An officer in the Imperial military, Malavai Quinn is loyal to the Empire and everything it stands for: order, the glory of the Sith and the conquest of the Republic. Following his mysterious disgrace at the Battle of Druckenwell, he was stationed on Balmorra where he occasionally carried out small missions for Darth Baras (to whom he owes much of his career’s early success).
Duty-bound and honorable, Quinn is not afraid to express earned admiration for his superiors, but he is neither a bootlicker nor a mindless servant. He values competence alongside loyalty and will do whatever is necessary to thwart the enemies of the Empire as a whole and Darth Baras personally.
Jaesa Wilsaam
Name: Jaesa Wilsaam
Sex: Female
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Willpower
Primary Weapon: Polesaber
Secondary Weapon: Focus
Recruited: Hutta/After Alderaan
Personality: Dark or Light
Likes – (LS) Helping the weak, secrets of the Force, honor
(DS) Random cruelty, secrets of the Force, murder and chaos
Dislikes – (LS) Random cruelty, hurting innocents, rudeness
(DS) Honor, mercy, helping people
Romance: Yes/Male/DS
Loves – (LS) Cultural Artifacts, Republic Memorabilia
(DS) Luxury, Trophies, Weapons
Likes – (LS) Military Gear, Trophies, Weapons
(DS) Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear
Crew Skills: +5 Archaeology Efficiency, +5 Synthweaving Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force-users can achieve. Proud young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Wilsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr.
But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Through the machinations of Darth Baras, Jaesa was drawn away from the protection of the order and confronted by Baras’s own apprentice–and with the emotional instability of her Master.
Note: Jaesa can be turned back to the light, or fully embrace the darkside, changing her destiny.
Lieutenant Pierce
Name: Lieutenant Pierce
Sex: Male
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Taris
Personality: Dark
Likes – Personal gain, hurting the Republic, danger and laughing at authority
Dislikes – Rules, kissing up, peace
Romance: Yes/Female/DS
Loves – Military Gear, Weapons
Likes – Imperial Memorabilia, Technology, Trophies, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +2 Investigation Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: While few who are not Force-sensitive in the Empire have any choice but to join the military, Lieutenant Pierce joined eagerly–not out of a sense of duty but out of a lust for action. In fact, although his soldiering and his bravery are beyond question, Pierce has faced resistance and scrutiny throughout his military career due to his occasionally reckless attitude and his disdain for authority.
Fortunately, Pierce’s years in military black operations groups kept him away from the stuffier elements of the military hierarchy. Very often, Pierce is assigned to the most dangerous and far-flung worlds, where the Empire’s primary goal is destruction–which suits the lieutenant just fine.
Name: Broonmark
Sex: Male
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Strength
Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Dark
Likes – Violence as a solution, testing yourself, protecting those close to you
Dislikes – Betrayal of allies, inaction, talking things out
Romance: No
Loves – Technology, Trophies, Weapons
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear
Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Bioanalysis Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Broonmark is a unique creature among the Talz. While his peers spent their youths learning survival skills and playing on the frozen tundra of Alzoc Three, Broonmark developed a fascination with death. As a child, Broonmark watched his father killed by one of Alzoc Three’s predators, and instead of sadness, Broonmark felt only shame at his father’s weakness. Violence became an obsession and point of pride for Broonmark; he started hunting in secret and lived for the rush of a kill.
When the Republic began recruiting Talz for their elite commando units, Broonmark eagerly volunteered for the chance to turn his claws against more challenging prey. But with each kill Broonmark’s desire for carnage and bloodshed intensified. His clan soon challenged his brutal leadership, and Broonmark watched in anger as the gentle Talz he fought to empower mutinied against him.

Sith Inquisitor

Khem Val
Name: Khem Val
Sex: Male
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Strength
Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Korriban
Personality: Dark
Likes – Killing Force users, displays of strength, making foolish people unhappy
Dislikes – Weakness in any form, not killing Force users
Romance: No
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Weapons
Likes – Imperial Memorabilia, Technology, Trophies
Crew Skills: +15 Artifice Efficiency, +5 Investigation Efficiency
Voice Actor:
Background: Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past.
Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin. After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear.
Although once pledged to a life of service, with his original master gone, it is uncertain where Khem Val’s true loyalties now lie. A near-perfect killing machine, he could prove a valuable weapon for anyone willing to take him on… though he is a weapon that can cut both ways.
Andronikos Revel
Name: Andronikos Revel
Sex: Male
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Recruited: Tatooine
Personality: Dark
Likes – Action, keeping promises, complications
Dislikes – Authority, betrayal, backing down from a fight
Romance: Yes/Female
Loves – Military Gear, Underworld Goods, Weapons
Likes – Luxury, Trophies, Courting (from females)
Crew Skills: +2 Slicing Critical, +2 Underworld Trading Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot.
His piracy career was cut short by a strange mutiny, however, and he was abandoned to the Imperials who had been hunting him since he’d raided a ship carrying valuable artifacts. After a year in Imperial prison, Andronikos Revel was let loose. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since.
Ashara Zavros
Name: Ashara Zavros
Sex: Female
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Strength
Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
Secondary Weapon: Lightsaber
Recruited: Taris
Personality: Light
Likes – Rational choices, secrets of the Force, fighting bullies
Dislikes – Random cruelty, fighting Jedi
Romance: Yes/Male/LS
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Republic Memorabilia, Military Gear, Courting (from males)
Likes – Luxury, Technology, Weapons
Crew Skills: +10 Synthweaving Efficiency, +10 Diplomacy Efficiency
Voice Actor:
Background: A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force-users. From an early age, she has aspired to study the Force and become one of the best Jedi the order has to offer.
Ashara came to Taris to train under Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera, whose philosophy is that Padawans best learn the travails of using the Force through firsthand experience of the galaxy. In Ashara’s case, the Masters brought her to Taris for two reasons: First, to teach her compassion amidst the destruction that had occurred there and warn against the dangers of pride and the dark side. Second, to complete her trials by helping to drive a dark ghost from the ruins of a Jedi enclave.
Talos Drellik
Name: Talos Drellik
Sex: Male
Role: Healer
Primry Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Vibro Knife
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Light
Likes – Artifacts, discovery, history, pro-Empire sentiment, clever word play
Dislikes – Cruelty, rudeness, secrets from allies
Romance: No
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Imperial Memorabilia, Luxury, Republic Memorabilia
Likes – Courting, Technology
Crew Skills: +5 Treasure Hunting Efficiency, +5 Archaeology Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Lieutenant Talos Drellik has never excelled as a soldier, and his true passion has always been history and archeology. To Talos, the Imperial Reclamation Service does an invaluable job, preserving Imperial and Sith history against the onslaught of time.
Unlike many Reclamation Service officers who are career soldiers with only a passing interest in history, Lieutenant Drellik has thrown himself into his work, studying with experts in the field such as the illustrious Professor Auselio Gann and galactic historian Deravon Wells.
Name: Xalek
Sex: Male
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Willpower
Primary Weapon: Polesaber
Secodary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Voss
Personality: Dark
Likes – Following the Sith Code, fighting overwhelming odds, brevity
Dislikes – Mercy, weakness, talking
Romance: No
Loves – Military Gear, Weapons
Likes – Trophy, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency, +2 Scavenging Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: A Kaleesh warrior who was captured by the Empire in battle and brought to Korriban to train as a Sith, Xalek prefers to let his actions speak in place of words. Before even reaching Korriban, Xalek had killed several of his fellow slaves who were also intended for training–a bold statement by any measure.
Xalek melds his training as a Kaleesh warrior with a firm belief in the Sith Code. He kills without remorse, and is an expert student of lightsaber technique and martial combat.

Bounty Hunter

Name: Mako
Sex: Female
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Vibro Knife
Recruited: Hutta
Personality: Light
Likes – Professionalism, bounty hunters, making money, freedom, kindness
Dislikes – Bullying, cruelty, snobs
Romance: Yes/Male
Loves – Technology, Underworld Goods, Courting (from males)
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Luxury, Trophies, Weapons
Crew Skills: +5 Cybertech Efficiency, +15 Slicing Efficiency
Voice Actor: Lacey Chabert
Background: At first glance, Mako’s relationship with Braden seems more like that of a father and daughter than members of a team of professional bounty hunters–and that assessment wouldn’t be too far off the mark.
Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa’s underbelly… until the day Braden pulled the girl bleeding out of an alley, and paid a street surgeon to patch her blaster burns.
Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. But while Mako loves the old man more than anything, her independent nature is beginning to chafe under Braden’s protectiveness.
Gault Rennow
Name: Gault Rennow
Sex: Male
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Vibro Knife
Recruited: Tatooine
Personality: Dark
Likes – Greed, indlugence, thinking your way through a problem
Dislikes – Fair fights, pain, charity, rules
Romance: No
Loves – Luxury, Underworld Goods
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Technology, Weapons
Crew Skills: +10 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +2 Biochem Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow now enjoys a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. Still, old habits are hard to shake, and Gault’s cautiousness and duplicity are a constant reminder that the only thing to really change is his name. How long until the crafty Devaronian finds himself climbing up the galaxy’s most wanted list again is anyone’s guess.
Torian Cadera
Name: Torian Cadera
Sex: Male
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Taris
Personality: Light
Likes – Challenges, honor, Mandalorians, respect
Dislikes – Selling out, cowardice
Romance: Yes/Female
Loves – Military Gear, Trophies, Weapons, Courting (from females)
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Technology, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +10 Investigation Efficiency, +2 Bioanalysis Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: It is the Mandalorian ideal that a warrior be judged by his or her own actions, not by those of his or her ancestors–but reality rarely lives up to ideals.
Torian Cadera has spent his entire short life trying to overcome the stigma of being a traitor’s son–a shame he has seldom been allowed to forget in the company of his peers. But Torian long ago learned to armor himself against contempt, and others’ doubts regarding his loyalty have only driven him to strive harder to prove his worth.
Because of this, Torian adheres to the codes and traditions of the Mandalorians with more devotion than many twice his age. Upholding honor and enduring adversity are the cornerstones of his existence.
Name: Blizz
Sex: Male
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Light
Likes – Adventure, gadgets, attention, praise, friendship
Dislikes – Scary things, extreme violence, people who are mean to him
Romance: No
Loves – Technology, Underworld Goods, Weapons
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Luxury, Military Gear, Trophies
Crew Skills: +15 Armormech Efficiency, +1 Armstech Critical
Voice Actor:
Background: Infinitely curious and adventuresome, Blizz always felt confined on his native Tatooine–the endless rolling dunes and limited selection of scrap leaving him perpetually bored. So when the traveling salvager Slam Streever visited Blizz’s clan to offer Jawas work as “ferrets”–individuals he could send into dangerous and dilapidated areas to scout for salvage treasure–Blizz leapt at the opportunity.
Blizz spent several years with Slam’s crew before the old scrapper made the mistake of selling his services to Hoth’s White Maw pirates. Years of toil under the menacing watch of the White Maw would soon deprive the salvagers of reasons to smile–but first, Slam gave his small friend the nickname “Blizz” after the little Jawa kicked up a snowstorm of excitement during his first encounter with the “white sands.” It’s a name Blizz cherishes; one that reminds him of happier times.
Name: Skadge
Sex: Male
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Belsavis
Personality: Dark
Likes – Violence, causing suffering, destruction, bullying
Dislikes – Compromise, taking orders, weakness
Romance: No
Loves – Underworld Goods, Weapons
Likes – Luxury, Military Gear, Trophies
Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Treasure Hunting Critical
Voice Actor: Neil Kaplan
Background: A career gangster and psychopath, Skadge had been enjoying a prestigious position at the top of Coruscant’s most wanted list when a joint police, military and SIS task force managed to finally capture him. Deemed impossible to control or reform, the murderous Houk was secretly ushered to the only facility capable of housing him: Belsavis.
Although considered a prime candidate for the prison’s domination experiments, Skadge was removed from the program during his initial evaluation–a period over which he destroyed a gang of armed Kaleesh, every remaining member of his test group, half the observing researchers and three security details… with his bare hands.
Now, with the Imperial invasion of Belsavis, Skadge has been set loose after nearly three years of solitary confinement. He’s ready to settle some grudges.

Imperial Agent

Kaliyo Djannis
Name: Kaliyo Djannis
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Role: Ranged Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Hutta
Personality: Dark
Likes – Disrespecting authority, casual violence, anarchy for the fun of it
Dislikes – Self sacrifice for the greater good, sincerity, obedience, patriotic spirit and being taken advantage of
Romance: Yes/Male/DS
Loves – Luxury, Underworld Goods, Weapons
Likes – Military Gear, Technology
Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical
Voice Actor:
Intelligence Profile: Background (Summary): Multiple contradictory accounts make full background assessment difficult. Subject likely born on Rattatak. Escaped homeworld at a young age. Proceeded to find employment as freelance enforcer and assassin for major criminal syndicates (Exchange, Hutt Cartel) and individual underworld figures (Rholl). Persistent links to Brentaal Four anarchist cells (see Revolutionary Edge Brigade). Minimal activity within Imperial borders.
Personality: Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom, and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices. Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates (agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction). As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be–if only temporarily.
Notes: No known military training, but extremely capable with assault weapons. Has been known to bite when disarmed.
Vector Hyllus
Name: Vector Hyllus
Age: 26
Race: Human (Joiner)
Role: Melee DPS
Primary Stat: Willpower
Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
Secondary Weapon: Generator
Recruited: Alderaan
Personality: Light
Likes – Diplomacy, helping people, exploring alien cultures
Dislikes – Greed, cruelty, prejudice, anti-alien sentiment
Romance: Yes/Female/LS
Loves – Cultural Artifacts, Imperial Memorabilia, Courting (from females)
Likes – Luxury, Trophies, Weapons
Crew Skills: +5 Bioanalysis Efficiency, +5 Diplomacy Critical
Voice Actor:
Intelligence Profile: Background (Summary): Second-generation Imperial; mother native to Jurio, married Captain Adronik Hyllus after Jurio was granted Imperial governance. Expressed desire to join Diplomatic Service at early age and displayed appropriate traits. Ranked high academically during training, and soon after graduation was granted (by request) post aboard exploration and first contact vessel (see service record).
Reassigned to Alderaan due to diplomatic manpower needs (see House Thul). Served ably until encounter with Killik species and subsequent “Joiner” transformation. Current status is unclear.
Personality: Vector Hyllus has repeatedly expressed admiration for Imperial accomplishments while indicating a desire to spread Imperial influence through diplomatic channels. His attitudes were likely shaped by the Imperial reconstruction of his homeworld and are appropriate for a Diplomatic Service member. Hyllus is obedient, intelligent, charismatic and effective. He is unlikely to advance further within diplomatic or military hierarchies.
Notes: Personality profile compiled from performance reports from before Hyllus’s “Joiner” transformation. Data should be considered non-comprehensive.
Doctor Eckard Lokin
Name: Doctor Eckard Lokin
Age: 65
Race: Human
Role: Healer
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Vibro Knife
Recruited: Taris
Personality: Grey
Likes – Clever solutions, long term thinking, technology, pragmatism
Dislikes – Ideology, honesty, selfish actions without clear long-term gain
Romance: No
Loves – Luxury, Military Gear, Technology
Likes – Imperial Memorabilia, Republic Memorabilia, Underworld Goods
Crew Skills: +15 Biochem Efficiency, +10 Investigation Efficiency
Voice Actor:
SIS Dossier: Personal History: Age and surname suggest Lokin was born on Dromund Kaas during the pre-war years. Files acquired during Operation: Freefall reference a “Dr. E. Lokin” working as Science and Medical Advisor to Kaas City military police during this period, but no visual is provided.
First confirmed sighting was during the boarding of Imperial dreadnaught Warhammer–Lokin was one of the two individuals aboard who evaded capture. Interestingly, he was not listed in the crew roster. First identification as Fixer Fifteen came during Operation: Red Cell (see listening post transcripts). Additional sightings and references to the Fixer Fifteen designation uncovered intermittently since.
Analysis: Take a close look at the operations where we caught Lokin, and you’ll notice a pattern–every time he turns up, something big is happening and we can’t figure the role he’s playing. He’s professional, he knows his science and he’s sneaky. We know he rubs some of his colleagues the wrong way, but even his fellow agents haven’t given us anything useful under questioning.
Note by Harson Nild, Director Core World Operations: Is Lokin still in active service? I remember hearing about a Fixer biologist back in the day, but thought he’d retired years ago.
Ensign Raina Temple
Name: Ensign Raina Temple
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Role: Ranged DPS
Primary Stat: Cunning
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Recruited: Hoth
Personality: Light
Likes – The Empire, the Sith, duty, honor
Dislikes – Cruelty, casual violence, selfishness
Romance: Yes/Male/LS
Loves – Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear, Courting (from males)
Likes – Luxury, Republic Memorabilia, Weapons
Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Armormech Critical
Voice Actor:  Georgia Van Cuylenburg
SIS Dossier: Personal History: Standard searches reveal no Imperial citizenship record for a “Raina Temple,” but the usual caveats apply–our data on the Imperial populace remains sadly incomplete. Temple’s skills and attitude suggest Imperial Army training, but her presence inside the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force is extremely unusual; neither the CEDF nor the Imperial military is known for its transfer programs.
Analysis: Personable and bright Imperial military cadets don’t end up embedded with aliens at the far edge of the galaxy without good reason. Temple could be a plant, but it’s just as likely she’s been intentionally forced out of the picture. Best-guess personality profile suggests she’s a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial military–a true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.
Note by SIS Agent Hunter: She’s cute, isn’t she? Enjoy the file, Cipher Nine… we can spare the occasional dossier if you’re willing to play along.
Age: ?
Sex: Identifies Female
Role: Melee Tank
Primary Stat: Aim
Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Recruited: Belsavis
Personality: Dark
Likes – Learning and gaining new tech, selfishness, killing threats
Dislikes – Self-sacrifice, duty, wastefulness
Romance: N/A
Loves – Technology, Weapons
Likes – Cultural Artifacts, Military Gear, Trophies
Crew Skills: +5 Bioanalysis, +5 Diplomacy Critical
Voice Actor:
Intelligence Profile: Background (Summary): Claims to have been designed for heuristic self-improvement by unknown parties. Current chassis is of recent design, suggesting multiple precursor bodies or independent database.
Over a century ago, SCORPIO became involved with Star Cabal organization and accepted guardianship of Belsavis Megasecurity Ward 23. In return for rare technology, SCORPIO willingly acted as the Star Cabal’s security system until application of control codes by Cipher Nine. Currently unable to directly harm Cipher Nine without provocation or depart Cipher Nine’s presence on a long-term basis.
Personality: Application of Wreyn-Tsatke Cyber-Psychology Scale results in a 9-NIX rating for SCORPIO (level 9 intelligence, nonhuman, independent, unknown) with 22% accuracy. These preliminary results match anecdotal experience–SCORPIO places no inherent value on biological or cybernetic life and is interested primarily in self-iteration through rapid experience. If given appropriate challenges and upgrade opportunities, SCORPIO may prove cooperative for limited periods. She appears to value others who share her traits–intelligence, amoral self-interest and curiosity.
Similar cybernetic personalities include Mentor (10-NCM) and G0-T9 (8-HSM)–both considered galaxy-level threats. Recommend full application of Wreyn-Tsatke Test at earliest opportunity.
Notes: This profile is a work in progress and should not be considered definitive.
Special: By order of the Minister of Intelligence, access to this profile is restricted.

Crew Skills

Crew Skills are the Old Republic’s “crafting” skills. There are 14 total skills, broken down into 3 specific categories. You are allowed to take up to 3 skills at a time, but only 1 can be from the crafting category. You can choose to drop a skill at any time, but you will unlearn it, and picking it up again will start you from scratch.
Before you can unlock Crew Skills, you must have at least 1 companion as well. You can send companions on missions from the Mission Skills or Gathering Skills, but they will be unavailable until they return or you cancel the mission. Companions will also disappear for a time when you do Craft Skills. Regarding Craft Skills, you can queue up to 5 items at one time, and as you gain more companions, you can send more off at one time for crafting or missions.
You access Crew Skills through the Crew Skills menu, or by pressing “N” to open the Crew Skills pane. Every companion in the game will also have 2 crew skill bonuses for the various skills. These bonuses can influence their chance to “crit” a crafted item, increase the likelihood of success on difficult missions and increase the amount of materials they find.
The craft system in the Old Republic is unlike most other MMOs. Instead of gathering materials and standing in one spot making the same item over and over while watching a progress bar, you send your crew off to make the items or undergo missions. What makes the system nice is that you can send extra companions off to craft or do missions while you enjoy playing the game, instead of standing around watching the progress bar. You can even queue up a bunch of items to be made and send them on missions before you log off for the night and they will continue to work while you are offline.

Craft Skills:

As stated above, you can queue up to 5 items to be crafted at one time on each companion. While crafting, they will be unavailable to assist you in combat, so choose a companion you don’t need for combat if you plan to quest while crafting. You will learn new skills through the associated skill trainer, special drops and from reverse engineering items you make. The skill trainer will generally have new schematics for you about every 10-20 skill levels.
When crafting the various items, you will sometimes make exceptional quality versions. These versions will usually have an extra “modulator” slot in them in which you can place an extra mod, giving the item a stat boost over normal quality items. Crafting does not seem to result in a chance at outright failure however.
Vendor Ingredients – Around skill level 50 for most crafts, you will begin to find schematics that require certain components you probably won’t recognize from gathering skills. These can be purchased from Crew Skill Trade vendors, usually found near the crafting trainers on most planets. You can also gain them from gathering missions, but the price tends to be much higher than getting them through vendors.
ArmormechArmormech – The ability to work with hard metals, alloys and synthetic materials to  construct armor for non-Force users.
Recommended Gathering Skill: Scavenging (Scavenged Metals and Compounds)
Recommended Missions Skills: Underworld Trading (Underworld Metals)
ArmstechArmstech – The ability to work with hard metals, alloys and synthetic materials to craft blasters, blaster modifications and melee weapons. Crafted blasters include blaster pistols, blaster rifles, sniper rifles, assault cannons and shotguns. Blaster modifications include blaster barrels. Melee weapons include vibroblades and electrostaves.
Recommended Gathering Skill: Scavenging (Scavenged Metals and Compounds)
Recommended Mission Skill: Investigation (Researched Compounds)
ArtificeArtifice – The delicate skill of constructing lightsaber modifications, enhancements, generators and focii.  Lightsaber modifications include color crystals and hilts that augment a Force user’s combat attributes. Color crystals determine beam and bolt color for lightsabers and blasters. Enhancements are modification upgrades for weapons and armor.
Recommended Gathering Skill: Archeology (Power Crystals, Color Crystals and Artifact Fragments)
Recommended Mission Skills: Treasure Hunting (Gemstones)
BiochemBiochem – The skill involved in crafting medical supplies, performance-enhancing chemical serums and biological implants.
Recommended Gathering Skill: Bioanalysis (Biochemical Samples and Compounds)
Recommended Mission Skills: Diplomacy (Medical Supplies)
CybertechCybertech – The skill to assemble droid armor, earpieces, grenades, armoring, mods and miscellaneous gadgets. Armoring and mods are upgrade modifications that enhance combat ability. Earpieces are external mini-computers that are worn on or near the ear. They enhance combat prowess by giving audio and visual feedback to the wearer or through direct neural feedback via an external nerve relay.
Recommended Gathering Skill: Scavenging (Scavenged Metals and Compounds)
Recommended Mission Skills: Underworld Trading (Underworld Metals)
SynthweavingSynthweaving – The process of fabricating synthetic materials out of crystals, various chemicals and artifact fragments to construct armor for Force users.
Recommended Gathering Skill: Archeology (Artifact Fragments)
Recommended Mission Skills: Underworld Trading (Luxury Fabrics and Underworld Metals)

Gathering Skills:

The Gathering Skills will help you gain components used in each of the Crafting Skills. This system will look mostly familiar if you have played any other MMO. While out in the world, you will find items with a slight, blue glow on them. Right-clicking on these nodes with the correct Gathering Skill will allow you to gather components from them. You can also watch for them on your mini-map, as gatherable nodes will be indicated by an asterisk type of icon. You can hover over these icons to see what sort of node it is also.
What sets this system apart from most other MMOs however, is the ability to gather from nodes yourself, OR have your companion do it for you or with you. Right-clicking when near a node will gather the material yourself, while Shift-Right-clicking will send your companion off to gather instead. You can also do two nodes at the same time with this method. In addition, Gathering Skills also have missions which you can send your companions on for skill up and extra materials, though the yield is usually much smaller than the price you pay for the missions.
ArchaeologyArchaeology – The study of crystal formations and archaeological finds. Crystal formations contain crystals that an Artificer can use to construct lightsaber modifications and armor for Force users. Archaeological finds contain artifact fragments of Force-imbued technology.
Recommended Crafting Skills: Artifice, Synthweaving
BioanalysisBioanalysis – The practice of collecting genetic material from creatures and vegetation. Genetic materials include cell fibers, bacterial strains, toxic extracts and medicinal fluids. Biochemists use these materials to create medpacs to restore health, stimulants (single-use injections) that provide a boost to physical abilities, and biological implants that enhance combat prowess by stimulating neural networks and regulating brain stem functions.
Recommended Crafting Skill: Biochem
ScavengingScavenging – The art of salvaging useful parts and base materials such as metals, alloys and synthetic compounds from potential technological resources-junk piles, fallen droids, abandoned cargo and broken down vehicles.
Recommended Crafting Skills: Armormech, Armstech, Cybertech
SlicingSlicing – Slicing is not a skill required for crafting. Slicing is the art of accessing secure computer systems and lockboxes to acquire valuable items, credits and rare tech schematics. Common slicing targets include electronic safes, data stations, security mainframes and biometric footlockers. These targets contain credits, rare tech schematics used to construct Cybertech gadgets, vehicles and space upgrades, and mission discovery objects that unlock challenging missions that can potentially yield great rewards. Slicers can send their companions on missions to retrieve these valuable items. Other possible mission rewards include augments that can be slotted into exceptionally crafted items.
Recommended Crafting Skill: All (for mission discoveries), Cybertech (tech schematics)

Mission Skills:

The Mission Skills are much different from the other type of Crew Skills. These missions are accessed through the Crew Skills pane and will take much longer than typical crafting does. Each of the Mission Skills will have missions that reward companion gifts and missions that can result in rarer components for the various Craft Skills.
Note: these can result in failed attempts, so keep that in mind.
DiplomacyDiplomacy – The art of conducting and managing negotiations. Sending your companions on diplomatic missions can influence your light or dark side standing. In addition to light and dark side influence, possible Diplomacy rewards include medical supplies used to construct prototype and artifact implants, medpacs, stimulants, adrenals and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Recommended Crafting Skill: Biochem
InvestigationInvestigation – The skill of researching, gathering, analyzing and decoding secret information. Sending your companions on Investigation missions can yield valuable items in the form of research compounds used to construct prototype and artifact weapons and blaster barrels, prototype schematics for all crafts, and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Recommended Crafting Skills: All (for schematics), Armstech
Treasure-HuntingTreasure Hunting – The ability to track down and recover valuable items by following a series of clues. Companions sent on Treasure Hunting missions can return with rare gemstones used to construct prototype and artifact enhancements, hilts, color crystals, focii and generators. Other possible rewards include lockboxes that can contain valuable items and gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Recommended Crafting Skills: Artifice
Underworld-TradingUnderworld Trading – Entails the exchange of goods and services on the black market. Sending your companions on Underworld Trading missions can yield luxury fabrics and underworld metals usued to construct prototype and artifact armor, earpieces, grenades, space upgrades and weapon and armor modifications. Other possible rewards include gifts for companions to raise their Affection rating.
Recommended Crafting Skills: Armormech, Cybertech, Synthweaving

Reverse Engineering:

Reverse Engineering, or RE’ing, is tied to each of the Craft skills. If you have a Craft type Crew Skill, you can open your inventory and there will be a button on the top-right of the inventory pane that says “Reverse Engineering.” If you click on that, any item you are able to RE will be highlighted and everything else is darkened.
RE’ing an item will destroy the item and give you back a few components that go into making that item. You also have a chance to learn a better quality schematic for said item by RE’ing it. Note: that only applies to items you can already make, so RE’ing say, commendation gear, will not give a chance to learn an artifact version of the item.
This is one of the primary ways in which people will learn higher quality crafted gear. Most crafted gear is green, or premium quality. When you RE these, you have a chance at learning a blue, or prototype quality version schematic. There are also a number of different schematics you can learn through RE’ing premium gear. Once you learn the prototype version, you can begin making and RE’ing these as well for a chance to learn a purple, or artifact version.
Which crafts can Reverse Engineer what:
Armormech – non-Force user Armor
Armstech – crafted Weapons
Artifice – Modifications, Focii and Generators
Biochem – Implants
Cybertech – Droid armor, Earpieces and Modifications
Synthweaving – Force user Armor

Character Stats

Primary Stats:

Strength – Increases your aptitude in melee combat. (Modifies Melee damage bonus and Melee critical chance)
Primary stat for Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors
Presence – Increases the effectiveness of your companions (Modifies Companion Health, Damage and Healing)
Aim – Increases your aptitude with ranged weapons. (Modifies ranged damage bonus and ranged critical chance)
Primary stat for Troopers and Bounty Hunters
Cunning – Increases your aptitude with technological abilities. (Modifies Ranged damage bonus, Ranged critical chance, Tech damage and Tech critical chance)
Primary stat for Smugglers and Imperial Agents
Endurance – Increases the amount of damage you can suffer before being defeated. (Modifies Max Health and Health Regen)
Willpower – Increases your aptitude with Force powers. (Modifies Force damage bonus and Force critical chance)
Primary stat for Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors
Expertise – Increases your effectiveness in Player vs. Player combat.

Secondary Stats:

Accuracy – Increases your chance to hit enemies. Accuracy rating over 100% reduces opponent’s chance to dodge/parry/block attacks.
Crit Rating – Increases your chance for an attack to cause critical (+50% baseline) damage.
Power – Increases the damage or healing an ability can do.
Surge – Increases the amount of bonus damage from a critical attack, above the baseline +50%.
Alacrity – Lowers the activation time for abilities with cast times and channeled abilities.
Defense Rating – Increases the chance for an incoming attack to be dodged, parried or deflected.
Shield Rating – Increases the chance for a shield to absorb damage.
Absorption Rating – Increases the amount of damage a shield will mitigate above it’s baseline absorption rating.
Non-Combat Stats:
Social – This bar will fill as you do quests and Flashpoints in groups. When you win a conversation roll, you earn 2pts/person in party, so 8 points in a full group. You still gain 1pt for every conversation choice whether you win the roll or not.
When you gain enough points to go up a Social Rank, you will unlock a title and access to Social Gear. The gear is usually a more iconic looking set that has empty mod slots for you to personalize.
Valor – The valor bar fills as you do PvP. Think of this as a PvP experience bar that will grant you access to better gear as you go up in tiers.
Light Side / Dark Side – This gauge acts as a moral barometer. The more light or dark choices you make, the further on the scale you will move. The bar takes into account your total tally of choices though, so 2,000 LS points and 500 DS points would equal out to you being 1,500 points Light Side. You also gain titles for each tier into LS or DS you go.
Affection – This bar will depend on which companion you’re currently viewing. All companions can gain up to 10,000pts of Affection rating. The choices you make in dialogues with companions out can have large impacts, and the gifts you give them will either be liked or indifferent towards.
As your companion gains more affection for you, they will begin offering quests that go into their own back-story and will be better at crafting for you as well.

Item Modification

The Old Republic uses an interesting system in which many pieces of gear and weaponry can be updated through a modification system. Through this system, you could feasibly take a low level piece of gear with modification slots and continually update it all the way through level 50, keeping it relevant throughout.
Before discussing the mods themselves, let’s first take a look at the item slots available to each character:
There are a number of different mod types available, some common to all gear and others for specific types. During your adventure you will come across gear that cannot be modified, some gear with all open mod slots, and some gear with mods already installed. If you come across gear with mods already set, you can either upgrade it by placing new mods directly over the old ones which will destroy them, or you can remove mods from gear for a price.

Modification Types

Enhancements – Found on both weapons and armor, a common mod slot.
Mods – Found on both weapons and armor, a common mod slot.
Armoring – Found only on armor, this mod also determines the armor rating of an item.
Hilts – Found only on lightsabers and melee weapons, this mod determines the damage rating on weapons.
Barrels – Found only on blaster weapons, this mod determines the damage rating on weapons.
Color Crystals – Found on both lightsabers and blasters, color crystals can be used to change the beam color or weapon blast on weapons.


The different types of loot you can find in The Old Republic follows fairly standard MMO conventions in regards to coloring:
As with most MMOs, the grey, cheap items are just vendor trash and used to sell for money. The standard quality items are usually things like junk gear, starter gear, medpacs and other misc. items that are not high quality. Premium, Prototype and Artifact are the higher quality, rare and epic items which indicate how common they are and how much better they tend to be for their respective level.
A very welcome addition to SWTOR is the ability for AoE looting, which can be turned on in the options menu. This allows you to kill a bunch of enemies in a small area and then click on one corpse to loot all nearby enemies at the same time.
Another cool idea Bioware added for looting are the colored beams that indicate loot quality. When you kill enemies, if there is loot present, a beam of light will come up from the corpse. A light blue beam indicates cheap or standard loot, with a green, dark blue or purple beam representing the other respective qualities. A yellow beam is also used for quest items.

In addition to regular weapon and armor drops, also watch for item modifications that drop. Even if these are useless to you, they can sell for a decent amount on the GTN, or be used by your companions if they are using modifiable gear. You may even find some of the more rare color crystals for blasters and lightsabers, which are always worth a hefty amount.
While not necessarily “loot” in the traditional sense, I also want to mention resource nodes. While running around the world you will also see object with a slightly bluish glow to them. If you have the respective gathering profession you can utilize these nodes for resources. You can also track nearby nodes on your mini-map by turning a filter on there. Nodes that you are able to gather from will show up on the mini-map basically as asterisks (*) which you can mouse over in order to see what type it is as well.


Enemies in SWTOR come in many varieties, but one thing Bioware did well was making your character feel like somewhat of a badass right from the start. Your early quests at level 1 won’t require you to go collect 10 rat tails or 5 beetle shells and have your character barely survive an encounter 1v1 against a ferocious sewer rat. In SWTOR you will commonly be pitted against 3-4 enemies in a single pull, and usually survive with barely a scratch.
The coloring scheme for enemies, like with loot, is fairly MMO standard as well. NPCs/mobs with a green name plate are friendly and cannot be attacked nor will they attack you. Yellow name plates are neutral and many types of wildlife will show as yellow. These NPCs/mobs can be attacked if you choose to do so, but will not be aggressive towards you unless provoked. Meanwhile, NPCs/mobs with red name plates are hostile and will attack if you come within range of them.
NPCs and mobs will also have a colored number next to their icon when targeted. This coloring will vary depending on the level difference between you and the enemy, and is also standard MMO flare. A number in grey means the enemy is much lower than you and is likely no threat at all, nor will it grant xp when killed. Green numbers (and any color besides grey) means the enemy will grant xp when killed, but are low enough to not be much difficulty for you. Yellow numbers mean the enemy is right around your level and are good for killing for optimal xp vs difficulty. Orange color means the enemy is a few levels higher and will present a challenge, while red numbers mean the enemy is much higher level than you and will be extremely challenging, if not impossible, for you to take on.
In addition to the coloring of the name plates and colored level numeration, enemies will have different icons when targeted that will give you a relative indication of their strength as well. The following picture best explains this:
From left to right: Friendly, Neutral/Weak/Standard, Strong, Elite, Champion/Boss
Friendly units have a blue bordered icon. These units can also be Strong, Elite and Boss rated and will have the same plates as the enemy units pictures.
Neutral, Weak and Standard enemies have just the red background in the icon and are basically cannon fodder enemies that you can easily kill solo. They will usually come in groups of 3-5 at a time, or 1-2 mixed in with a Strong mob. Generally the only difference between Weak and Standard is that Weak enemies will have roughly half the health or less of Standard enemies. Weak enemies tend to die in 1-2 hits, while Standard will take a few more hits before dropping.
Strong mobs are indicated by the silver plate around their portrait. These enemies present more of a challenge and have higher health as well as do more damage. They should still be easy to solo, but can become challenging if taking on more than one at a time.
Elite mobs switch the silver plate for a gold one. Elite enemies are roughly on equal footing with the player, have much more health than Strong mobs, and have damage output equal to that of the player. These enemies have more moves in their repertoire and will represent a very challenging fight while solo. These types of mobs are generally used as a boss fight in class instances where you might be solo, as well as for especially difficult versions of enemies. You will also see Elite mobs a lot in Heroic areas and instances to provide a bigger challenge for groups playing together.
Champion and Boss mobs are indicated by the gold plates with silver trim and stars in the corner. These types of enemies are generally not soloable, though not always impossible to be done alone either. These types of enemies are generally boss mobs in Flashpoints and Heroic quests, though some will be in the open world as well. Typically these enemies will have unique names and will have an incredibly high health pool as well as more unique and devastating attacks. If you attempt to solo one of these mobs, be prepared to utilize every tool at your disposal and be ready for a long and harrowing fight.


The Codex in SWTOR could best be described as a combination of a Journal and an Achievements tab. As you progress through the game, various entries will be added to the Codex automatically. Some of these entries will automatically happen when you enter certain areas or meet certain people. Other entries you will need to actively search for, such as Datacrons and glowing lore objects.
The Codex in SWTOR, accessed through the Log panel
As you can see, the Codex starts small but will grow during the course of your adventures with hundreds of entries. You can access the Codex through the Log panel by pressing “L” and clicking on the Codex tab at the bottom. At the bottom right you can get an overview of your progress; currently this shows I am at 10 entries out of 604. In the upper right you will see the various categories of entries, and at the top you will see the currently selected category. As shown here, I’m viewing Planets and have 1 out of 17 discovered. Within the Planet entries, you can open a section that will show your overall progress within that Planet.
The Codex contains the following categories:
Advanced Classes
Crew Skills
Epic Enemies
Game Rules
Persons of Note
Overall, the Codex is a lore hunter’s dream come true and will contains hundreds of entries on people, places and things of interest within the Star Wars universe. It can also serve as an achievement hunter’s trophy room as well, since you will unlock entries for titles earned, epic enemies defeated and datacrons found. The Codex can be really helpful when you’re trying to remember how you got certain titles or who various people were that you met before.


Another addition that’s becoming fairly standard in modern MMOs are titles. The titles you can unlock in The Old Republic vary from titles of position such as Padawan to the goofy like Black Bisector. So far you are only able to add one title at a time, so there’s no combining a prefix title with a suffix title, but the available titles do bounce back and forth from prefix and suffix types such as “Agent ___” and “___ the Heartless”.
Following is a list of titles available in The Old Republic. There’s still more to be found, and I’m only going to list ones I’m sure on for now. As with the companion information, the nature of this section will mean it contains spoilers. Where possible however, I try to leave out the exact nature of how to earn the title so that the descriptions are spoiler free, such as “earned from completing the IA story line.”

Social Tiers

__ the Friendly – Reached Social Tier I
__ the Outgoing – Reached Social Tier II
__ the Coordinator – Reached Social Tier III
__ the Socialite – Reached Social Tier IV
__ the Guide -Reached Social Tier V
__ the Extrovert – Reached Social Tier VI
__ the Charismatic – Reached Social Tier VII
__ the Leader – Reached Social Tier VIII

Light Side Tiers

__ the Respectable – Reached Light Side Tier I
__ the Upstanding – Reached Light Side Tier II
__ the Honorable – Reached Light Side Tier III
__ the Pure -Reached Light Side Tier IV
__ the Benevolent – Reached Light Side Tier V

Dark Side Tiers

__ the  Vicious – Reached Dark Side Tier I
__ the Sinister -Reached Dark Side Tier II
__ the Destructive – Reached Dark Side Tier III
__ the Loathsome -Reached Dark Side Tier IV
__ the Malevolent – Reached Dark Side Tier V

Republic Titles

Planet Missions

__ the Keeper of Truth – Earned from heroic quest on Tython
__ the Mantellian – Earned from heroic quest on Ord Mantell
__, Black Bisector – Earned from quest chain on Coruscant
__, Mandalorian Bane – Earned from completing planet arc on Taris
__, Scourge of the Underworld – Earned from completing planet arc on Nar’Shaddaa
__, SIS Operative – Earned from completing planet arc on Tatooine
__, Paladin of House Organa – Earned from completing planet arc on Alderaan
__, Hero of Gorinth Canyon – Earned from completing planet arc on Balmorra
__,  Venom Drinker – Earned from completing planet arc on Quesh
__, Ice Wars Veteran – Earned from completing planet arc on Hoth
__, Master of the Burning Way – Earned from completing planet arc on Belsavis
__, Ambassador of the Republic – Earned from completing planet arc on Voss
__, Liberator of Corellia – Earned from completing planet arc on Corellia

Jedi Knight Titles

Padawan __ – Earned during Prologue storyline
__, Knight of the Republic – Earned from completing Class story on Origin world
Guardian __ – Earned when choosing Guardian AC
Sentinel __ – Earned when choosing Sentinel AC
General__ – End of Chapter III
Master __ – End of Chapter III (?)

Jedi Consular Titles

Padawan __ – Earned during Prologue storyline
Jedi __ – Earned from completing Class story on Origin world
Shadow __ – Earned when choosing Shadow AC
Sage __ – Earned when choosing Sage AC
Master __ – End of Chapter I
__ of the Jedi Council – End of Chapter III
__, Council Military Advisor – End of Chapter III (?)

Smuggler Titles

Captain __ – Earned during Prologue storyline
Outlaw __ – Earned from completing Class story on Origin world
Scoundrel __ – Earned when choosing Scoundrel AC
Gunslinger __ – Earned when choosing Gunslinger AC

Trooper Titles

Sergeant __  – Earned during Prologue storyline
Lieutenant – Earned from completing Class story on Origin world
Commando __ – Earned when choosing Commando AC
Vanguard __ – Earned when choosing Vanguard AC
Captain __ – End of Chapter I
Major __ – End of Chapter III

Empire Titles

Planet Missions

__, Imperial Scholar – Earned from heroic quest on Korriban
__ the Revanite – Earned from quest chain on Dromund Kaas
__, Conqueror of Balmorra – Earned from completing planet arc on Balmorra
__, Primeval Explorer – Earned from completing planet arc on Tatooine
__, Champion of House Thul – Earned from completing planet arc on Alderaan
__, Scorcher of Worlds – Earned from completing planet arc on Taris
__ the Venomous – Earned from completing planet arc on Quesh
__ of the Bane Brigade – Earned from completing planet arc on Hoth
Jailbreaker __ – Earned from completing planet arc on Belsavis
__, Ambassador of the Empire – Earned from completing planet arc on Voss
__, Conqueror of Corellia – Earned from completing planet arc on Corellia

Sith Warrior Titles

Acolyte __  – Earned during Prologue storyline
Apprentice – Earned from completing Class story on Origin world
Juggernaut __ – Earned when choosing Juggernaut AC
Marauder __ – Earned when choosing Marauder AC
Lord __ – End of Chapter I
__, the Emperor’s Wrath – End of Chapter III

Sith Inquisitor Titles

Apprentice – Earned from completing Class story on Origin world
Assassin __ – Earned when choosing Assassin AC
Sorcerer __ – Earned when choosing Sorcerer AC
Lord __ – End of Chapter I
Darth __ – End of Chapter III

Imperial Agent Titles

Agent __  – Earned during Prologue storyline
Operative __ – Earned when choosing Operative AC
Sniper __ – Earned when choosing Sniper AC
Cipher Agent __ – Earned from story before leaving Dromund Kaas
__ the Double Agent – End of Chapter I
__, Master Conspirator – End of Chapter III

Bounty Hunter Titles

__, Hired Gun – Earned during Prologue storyline
Powertech __ – Earned when choosing Powertech AC
Mercenary __ – Earned when choosing Mercenary AC


__ the Backstabber – DS choice for Esseles
__ the Uncompromising – LS choice for Esseles
__ the Merciless – DS choice for Black Talon
__ the Stalwart – LS choice for Black Talon
__, Rider of the Maelstrom – Taral V (?)
__, Unmasked – Boarding Party (?)
Deprogrammer __ – Completing Directive 7
__ the Throne Breaker – Completing Battle of Ilum


Warzone Hero __ – Winning a Warzone
Skirmisher – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 10
Duelist – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 20
Gladiator – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 30
Centurion – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 40
Champion – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 50
Battlemaster – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 60
War Hero – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 70
Conqueror – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 80
Warlord – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 90
Elite Warlord – Earned upon reaching Valor Rank 100

Space Combat

Flyboy/Flygirl __ – Earned from completing a space mission
Hot Shot Pilot __ – Earned from completing the final space mission
Need confirmation on where these are earned:
Shadow Hunter
The Pilot
Emissary of Teral
Grand Champion (Bounty Hunter)
Hero of Tython
Knight of Alderaan
Republic Privateer
Republic’s Most Wanted (Bounty Hunter?)
The Force Walker
The Indomitable
Butcher’s Bane
Mendor of the Rift



Questing isn’t the only way to gain experience in the Old Republic, but it will probably be the primary way most people work on leveling up through the Galaxy. Most of the quests found in TOR are the typical MMO flair of quests, with a lot of the usual fetch/kill quests. What truly sets TOR apart from other MMOs however, is the interactive storytelling involved with every single quest line in the game, with full voice-over work and short cutscenes with their cast of thousands of NPCs.
Quests in TOR also come in many different varieties. There’s plenty of one-off quests, but many will be long chains that last an entire planet or maybe 1/3 of your entire leveling experience. Let’s break them down here with a few short explanations going over the differences you may find.
Solo Quest – These are the bread and butter quests in the game. Basically any one-off quests that don’t breadcrumb somewhere else and aren’t listed as a group quest, are solo-able quests. That said, you can do any quest while in a group if you choose to do so.
Class Story – These quests are unique to your class and your story spans the entire galaxy from level 1-50. Chapter 1 typically spans the first 6 planets, Chapter 2 for the next 3 planets and Chapter 3 for the rest of them. Other people can help you on your class quests, but they will not participate in the cutscenes, and only 1 of each class can enter the phased areas at a time.
Planetary Arc – The planetary arc quest series will begin when you first arrive on a new planet, either in the spaceport or the orbital station. This quest will chain throughout the planet and breadcrumb you from quest hub to quest hub, culminating in a final chain that changes the course of the battle on that planet.
Planetary Bonus Series – After finishing a planet’s arc chain, you will come across an NPC on your way off-world that offers a new quest series. The planetary bonus series is like an epilogue story that continues the fight in the aftermath of the events from the planetary arc chain. This series also tends to open at least 2 new quest hubs in previously unused areas on the planet.
Bonus Quest – These quests can pop up during any of the other types of quests listed here. Usually their objectives are hidden until you trigger the bonus either through killing a certain enemy or clicking on certain environment objects. If you finish the objective before turning in the associated quest, you will gain bonus experience from it.
Note: When done in groups, you will additionally gain 50% of the exp you normally gain for each person in the party that also completes the quest (If you get 2,000exp for it, you also gain another 1,000exp for each party member as well).
Bonus Chain – These work just like the bonus quests above, but they will have multiple stages. If you see a bonus quest that looks like “Stage 1: Eliminate 0/10 Badguys” then it will be a multi-stage chain. The chains can go for 2-6 stages depending on the quest. Typically they end with killing a more difficult Elite or Boss mob and grant prototype quality rewards and lots of experience.
HEROIC 2+ – This signifies a more difficult quest that is suggested to be done in a group. Some of these can be done with you + companion, but will be easier in a group of at least 2 human players.
HEROIC 4 – This signifies a much more difficult quest and should be done in a group. Some can be done with 2 players and their companions, or 3 players and a companion that fills a missing role, but will usually be easiest if you have a full 4 person party.
Note: Heroic quests tend to reward prototype quality gear. You can go through the game without doing these quests and still find usable rewards, but these quests tend to be more involved and offer good rewards and experience.
AREA – These quests are fairly rare. They will pop up when you enter a specific area on a map and ask you to complete a certain objective, usually in a chain of quests.
Flashpoint – Not a quest per say, but you do begin all Flashpoints with a quest. These instanced areas are basically self-contained stories that are repeatable and meant to be done in a 4 person party.
Daily/Weekly – Daily and weekly quests for Flashpoints and Operations can be found on a mission board in the Republic and Imperial Fleets.
PvP – Terminals found on the capitol world and Republic and Imperial Fleets will offer PvP quests such as “Win 3 Warzones” and offer xp rewards.
Space Combat – Once you gain access to your ship, you will be able to undergo space missions with their own objectives and bonus series. These quests are repeatable once a day and reward a decent amount of Fleet Commendations. Doing these quests each day as they open up is the best way to earn commendations and expand your ship’s armament.


Full credit to swtor beta testers Disqo, Dracarys, and Beef_Cake for this information. Thanks for all the work you guys did on Datacron research.
NOTE: Values have been reduced a lot from what is currently listed. Will need confirmation on all the new rates. I know for sure the Origin and Capital planet datacrons were all reduced to +2. Leave a comment if you know more of the rates.

The Basics:

Datacrons are small cubes hidden throughout the universe of SWTOR. They either give boosts to a single stat or they give you a matrix shard. Each type of datacron has a specific color:
Strength: Red
Endurance: Green
Willpower: Purple
Cunning: Orange
Aim: White
Presence: Yellow
Shards: Also White (but instead of there being a symbol on the side of the cube these have a pattern of dots that form a cross on each side of the cube. There are 4 different colors of shards: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. These shards can be used to make Matrix cubes which I will talk about later.
The datacrons also glow and emit a pillar of colored light into the sky making them more visible if they are in the open. They also make a sound that you can hear when you are in the close vicinity of a datacron.
Locations by Planet:
There are a total of 66 Datacrons in the SWTOR universe. Here are their locations by planet.
GH = Galactic Histories
Aim +4 (GH 1)
Presence +4 (GH 2)
Blue Shard (GH 3)
Endurance +4 (GH 9)
Willpower +4 (GH 10)
Blue Shard (GH 11)
Ord Mantell:
Aim +4 (GH12)
Presence +4 (GH 13)
Red Shard (GH 14)
Endurance +4 (GH 15)
Willpower +4 (GH 16)
Red Shard (GH 17)
Endurance +4 (GH 4)
Cunning +4 (GH 5)
Yellow Shard (GH 6)
Strength +4 (GH 7)
Presence +4 (GH 8 )
Dromund Kaas:
Yellow Shard (GH 18)
Strength +4 (GH 19)
Endurance (GH 20)
Presence +4 (GH 21)
Cunning +4 (GH 22)
Taris (Republic): (GH 23-27)
Aim +4 (GH 23)
Cunning +4
Green Shard
Strength +4
Willpower +4
Balmorra (Empire):
Aim +4 (GH 28)
Cunning +4 (GH 29)
Green Shard (GH 30)
Strength +4 (GH 31)
Willpower +4 (GH 32)
Nar Shaddaa:
Aim +6 (GH 33)
Cunning +6 (GH 34)
Presence +6 (GH 35)
Yellow Shard (GH 36)
Strength +6 (GH 37)
Aim +6 (GH 38)
Cunning +6 (GH 39)
Blue Shard (GH 40)
Strength +6 (GH 41)
Willpower +6 (GH 42)
Aim +10 (GH 43)
Endurance +6 (GH 44)
Presence +6 (GH 45)
Strength +10 (GH 46)
Willpower +6 (GH 47)
Taris (Empire):
Endurance +6 (GH 48)
Aim +10 (GH 49)
Willpower +10 (GH 50)
Presence +10 (GH 51)
Cunning +10 (GH 52)
Balmorra (Republic): (GH 53-57)
Endurance +6
Aim +10
Willpower +10
Presence +10
Cunning +10
Cunning +10 (GH 58)
Endurance +10 (GH 59)
Strength +10 (GH 60)
Cunning +10 (GH 63)
Endurance +10 (GH 64)
Presence +10 (GH 65)
Red Shard (GH 66)
Strength +10 (GH 67?) (Still haven’t found this one)
Aim +10 (GH 68)
Endurance +10 (GH 69)
Presence +10 (GH 70)
Green Shard (GH 71)
Willpower +10 (GH 72)
Endurance +10 (GH 73) (Currently bugged for Imperial players)
Cunning +10 (GH 74)
Presence +10 (GH 75)
Strength +10 (GH 76)
Willpower +10 (GH 77)
Green Shard (GH 61)
Blue Shard (GH 62)
Aim +10 (GH 78)
Willpower +10 (GH 79)
Presence +10 (GH 80)
Cunning +10 (GH 81)
Strength +10 (GH 82)
Aim +10 (GH 83?, currently doesn’t give a galactic history codex entry)
Endurance +10 (GH 84)
Red Shard (GH 85)
Yellow Shard (GH 86)
Willpower +10 (GH 87)
So if you add all these up you’ll see that there are 9 datacrons for each stat: +4(2), +6(2), +10(5), giving you a total of +70 to each stat if you collect all the stat datacrons. You’ll also notice that there are 3 shards of each color, making up the other 12 datacrons for a total of 66. I think this is a pretty nice stat increase for the work put in, not to mention the Matrix Cubes you can make with the shard datacrons. Speaking of Matrix Cubes…

Matrix Cubes (Relics):

Matrix Cubes can be created on your faction’s capital planet. On Dromund Kaas they’re created in the Ancient assembly chamber that is on the way to the Dark Temple. On Coruscant they’re created in the Lost Assembly Vault which is directly to the West when you enter the Jedi Temple. Each character has 3 relic slots, however if you have a matrix cube on you, you cannot make another. But if you put your matrix cube in your cargo hold and return to the assembly room you can make another matrix cube. If you keep repeating the process you can make up to 4 and then equip 3 of them. I’m not sure if this is intended or a bug. I’m hoping that at release there will be other kinds of relics besides matrix cubes.
Different matrix cubes can be made depending on which color shards you put in the assembler and if you’re a force user or tech user. It doesn’t matter which order you put the shards in. The order the colors are listed in below is the way the game currently names the matrix cubes.
After creation matrix cubes can be broken back down into their respective matrix shards in the disassembler which is in the same area as the assembler. In order to power it you have to buy a Reconstructed Disassembler Core from a vendor on Tatooine in Mos Isla or Anchorhead depending on your faction. The Reconstructed Disassembler Core currently costs 20k.
Matrix Cubes:
R = Red
Y = Yellow
G = Green
B = Blue
Lvl 15 (T2):
RBY: 11 Str, 15 End
BYG: 8 Str, 18 End
RBG: 15 Aim, 11 End
RYG: 15 End, 11 Will
Lvl 24 (T3):
RYY: 23 Str, 16 End, 5 Crit
BYY: 11 Aim, 24 End, 9 Def
GYY: 22 End, 17 Cun, 6 Crit
RBB: 16 End, 23 Will, 5 Crit
YBB: 11 Str, 24 End, 9 Def
GBB: 17 Aim, 22 End, 6 Crit
Lvl 32 (T4):
YRR: 14 Str, 33 End, 8 Acc, 10 Def
BRR: 22 End, 29 Will, 14 Crit
GRR: 23 Aim, 26 End, 16 Pow
RGG: 26 End, 23 Cun, 16 Crit
YGG: Bugged, gives YRR
BGG: 14 Aim, 33 End, 8 Shield, 10 Def
Lvl 50 (T7):
Force Users:
YYY: 24 Str, 62 End, 26 Def, 24 Surge
GGG: 50 Str, 43 End, 18 Crit, 26 Surge
RRR: 50 Will, 43 End, 18 Crit, 26 Surge
BBB: 50 Aim, 43 End, 26 Acc, 18 Crit (Possibly bugged since force users have no use for Aim)
Tech Users:
YYY: 24 Aim, 62 End, 24 Acc, 26 Def
GGG: 50 Str, 43 End, 18 Crit, 26 Surge (Also possibly bugged)
RRR: 52 End, 43 Cun, 18 Crit, 24 Surge
BBB: 50 Aim, 43 End, 26 Acc, 18 Crit
Currently you can find Matrix Prisms, Matrix emitters, and Matrix amplifiers that say they can be used to alter matrix cubes when they are being created. They can be found through archeology (not sure about other gathering skills). Currently there is no use for them in game. I imagine they will be used to make T5, T6, and T8 matrix cubes. Hopefully their uses will be more interesting than just boosting stats though.
Datacron Hunting tips:
Explore, explore, explore. Some datacrons are out in the open and easy to see but there are plenty that aren’t. There are even some that you can’t see until you’re already in a position that allows you to gain access to them.
If you see a vendor in the middle of nowhere selling only blue items or a vendor selling strange items anywhere, you’ll probably need those at some point.
When looking for a path to a datacron be prepared to travel a significant distance from the datacron to find the beginning of the path. They aren’t all like this, but there is one planet in particular that is notorious for this.
Hunt in groups, the more eyes the better.
Keep your ears open, most of the time I could hear the datacrons before I saw them. Also helps if you turn down the volume on everything except ambient sound.
Datacrons are never in phases, if you’re in one don’t bother looking.
If the minimap turns black where you are, there most likely aren’t any datacrons there because you’ve most likely gotten to a place you’re not supposed to be lol.

Space Combat

Space Combat is available once you receive your personal ship. Before I go into the logistics of Space Combat, let me say that this portion of SWTOR has taken a lot of flak, but it’s only supposed to be basically a mini-game within the MMO. As such, it can be pretty fun and a nice break from grinding out quests or Flashpoints or PvP, and it looks gorgeous. Enjoy it for what it is instead of hating it for what it isn’t. Space combat has a lot of room to grow as well in later patches and expansions, so eventually it could be an amazing part of the game down the road.
When you first receive your ship, you can go into the cockpit area and there should be a quest waiting for you on one of the terminals. The quest will ask you to help your faction’s fleet with a mission, and thus your career as a space ace begins. When you open the Galaxy Map, you should see some destinations that aren’t planets. These are the space missions. You can run these as much as you want, and the quests for them reset daily and can be done for extra Fleet Commendations. You can save up your Fleet Commendations and later use them to purchase higher level weapons and armaments for your ship, as well as a set of social armor that looks like a flight suit.
Fondor Escort: A space combat mission available from the Galaxy Map
The ship you get from your class story is bare bones at first, but with some credits you can begin purchasing upgrades such as expanded missile bays and shields. These will begin making the space combat missions much easier to manage, and will definitely be needed for some of the later missions. Let’s go over what upgrades are possible for purchase:


Flashpoints in the Old Republic are essentially 4man heroic quests that take place within a self-contained, instanced area and are repeatable. Basically, they are the typical MMO “dungeons” with a Star Wars flair and Bioware twist. What makes Flashpoints in Star Wars the Old Republic different and stand out from other dungeons is that they, like the rest of the game, are heavily influenced by story. Flashpoints begin with a quest and the group can meet up inside the instance, from there you will experience various levels of choices depending on which Flashpoint you are running. Usually the choices you make will be a morality choice that the whole group will decide on, and the choices made can influence what happens within the Flashpoint and possibly open different routes and lead to different bosses. Some Flashpoints will also offer sections that can only be accessed if someone in the group has a certain crew skill, such as Slicing, which can be used to hack an elevator in order to bypass an area full of enemies for instance.
Another stand-out feature in SWTOR is that you can attempt to run a Flashpoint with only a partial party, using companions to fill in for a missing role. So instead of waiting around for 30mins looking for a tank/dps/healer, you could try using someone’s companion instead. They aren’t as good as a human player would be, but in a pinch they can do quite well. If you’re considering trying this with a companion tanking though, be sure to turn off AoE abilities if you plan to use crowd control.
Following is a list of the 14 Flashpoints that will be released when SWTOR launches and roughly the levels they can be done at:
Esseles(Republic) – 8+
Black Talon (Empire) – 8+
Bringing Down the Hammer – 16+
The Tomb Opens – 18+
The Mandalorian Raiders – 24+
“Jedi Prisoner” 2-part Flashpoint
Taral V (Republic) – 32+
Maelstrom Prison(Republic) – 36+
“White Nova” 2-part Flashpoint
Boarding Party (Empire) – 32+
The Foundry (Empire) – 36+
Directive 7 – 47+
The Battle for Ilum – 50
The False Emperor – 50
Colicoid War Games
Hard Modes
Black Talon
Boarding Party
The Foundry
Taral V
Maelstrom Prison
Directive 7
The Battle for Ilum
The False Emperor


Warzones in SWTOR are Bioware’s version of Battlegrounds or Warfronts; they are instanced maps where teams compete for victory through various objective based gameplay mechanics. Player vs Player content in the Old Republic comes in a multitude of flavors and many of the Warzones will feel familiar if you play other MMOs. A major difference to account for in Open World PvP however, is the addition of player companions, which can make what seems like an easy fight change quickly in the heat of the moment. Companions aren’t allowed in any of the Warzones though, and all 3 current Warzones are limited to 8v8 teams.
Before going into too much discussion on the various Warzones and PvP areas in the game, let’s go over some of the terminology and mechanics used in the Old Republic first.
Bolster – Short answer: bolster is in place to boost a lower level character to be almost equal to the highest level character in the current match. Longer answer: in SWTOR there are no level brackets and Warzone match-making is single server only. In order to decrease the wait time from the lack of a cross-server matchmaking system, there is a soft-bracket system in place. Basically, the system will try and match people of closer levels together first, and then begin branching out to find whoever it can to fill a match in a timely manner. While higher level players will still have an advantage of more abilities, Bolster makes sure that lower level characters are boosted up to have competitive damage and healing output as well as higher health pools and defenses.
Resolve – This mechanic presents itself as a visibly filling bar above your character’s portrait while in PvP. Everytime someone uses a form of crowd-control or stuns on you, the bar will begin filling. Once full, you will remain immune to incoming stuns for a few seconds and then the bar decays and you are stunnable again.
Valor – The easiest way to describe this would be, “it’s your current PvP level.” It works similarly to an experience bar, but instead of class levels, you gain Valor levels as it goes up. Higher Valor levels unlock new titles and access to better and better PvP oriented gear.
Expertise – This is a player stat that comes from PvP gear. As your Expertise stat goes up, the damage you take from other players goes down. The stat will take the place of another stat on gear, so it’s typically useless in a PvE setting and should only really be used for PvP (though it can come in handy on a PvP server if you’re out questing alone).
Warzone Commendations – Like other areas of SWTOR, PvP also comes with it’s own set of special currency commendations. These commendations will be rewarded at the end of Warzone matches and can be turned in for sets of PvP oriented gear.
Star Wars the Old Republic will launch with 3 Warzones and 2 PvP specific zones, in addition to general Open World PvP. Regarding Open World PvP, as has been stated elsewhere in this guide, you will not begin seeing players from the opposing faction until you reach your 4th planet, around level 20 or so. The 4 origin planets, both capital planets and both fleet orbital stations cannot be traveled to by the opposing faction at all, and the 3rd planet for each faction will be a phased version of either Balmorra or Taris. Because of this, Nar’Shaddaa will be the first area players will start running into members of the opposing faction.
Although you will not run into players from the other faction until your 20s, you can begin queuing up for Warzones as soon as you hit level 10. When you reach level 10, you will be notified that you are eligible for Warzones and if you look around there should be a mission terminal offering a new quest. The quest available will be for getting 3 Warzone wins. If you wish to queue up for the Warzone, click on the small faction icon on your mini-map in the lower right corner. This will bring up the queue window and you can join solo or as a party. One other thing to keep in mind: all 3 Warzones are 8v8 teams, but you may only queue up as a single, 4 person party. Right now Bioware has decided to do this in order to keep guilds from forming 8 person premade teams in order to steamroll other groups.

Warzones and PvP Zones


“The Voidstar is a derelict Imperial Battle Cruiser that disappeared during the Great War. The ship is believed to contain the schematics to a powerful weapon. Now that it’s been discovered floating in the depths of space, both the Empire and the Republic are racing to take control of the vessel and access the secrets stored in it’s memory banks.”
Voidstar is an assault-style Warzone in which one side attempts to fight its way to access the ship’s data core, while the other side defends the ship and attempts to prevent the other side from reaching the data core. The battle takes places across multiple sections of the ship, through blast doors and across elevated bridge spans where taking a fall is almost always lethal. The attackers battle their way through each section, drawing ever closer to the ship’s data core, while the defenders seek to halt the attackers’ progress at various control points.
The match is broken up into multiple rounds. After the completion of each round, the teams switch sides between being the attackers and the defenders. The winner is determined by whichever side reaches the data core the fastest. In the case that the defenders win both rounds, the winner is determined by whichever side came closest to achieving the objective.


“As two powerful armadas battle in the skies above Alderaan, a ground war wages between Republic and Imperial forces for control of three separate laser cannons that have taken aim at the fleets above the planet. Whichever side controls the turrets controls the battle…”
In the “Alderaan” Warzone, Republic and Imperial players clash on the scarred battlegrounds of the iconic world. High above the battlefield, two troop transports, one for each side, continuously supply their faction with reinforcements. In order to claim victory, one side must knock the other’s transport out of the sky. In order to do this, players must battle for control of three laser turrets that are spread out across the battlefield. Once one team takes control of a turret, it will open fire on the enemy transport!
As more turrets fall under the control of one faction, the firepower unleashed on the enemy transport intensifies. Once the enemy transport’s structural integrity is depleted, the ship will explode and the battle is over.
Control of the turrets can change hands several times during the course of the fight. Teams have to practice a careful balance of offense and defense to maintain a steady volley of fire on the enemy transport.


“A dangerous new sport has captured the hearts and minds of the people on the Smuggler’s Moon of Nar Shaddaa. Sponsored by the famed Giradda the Hutt, ‘Huttball’ pits some of the galaxy’s most powerful opponents against each other in an intense contest, with fame and fortune at stake.”
In Huttball, two teams meet inside the deadly confines of “The Pit,” an arena unlike any other in the galaxy! The teams battle for control of a ball which appears in the center of the arena. Whichever team has the ball must run with it, pass it, or use whatever means necessary to get it across the opposing team’s goal line, while simultaneously battling the enemy team and avoiding the many fire, acid and anti-gravity traps that litter the playing field. At the end of the match, the team with the most points wins.
Huttball is also the only Warzone in Star Wars: The Old Republic that allows teams from the same faction to play against each other, meaning it can be played Republic vs. Empire, Republic vs. Republic, or Empire vs. Empire.


On the level 50 planet of Ilum is a large area that is specifically used for an objective-based style of World PvP where possibly hundreds of players can battle it out against the opposing faction for control and victory. The battle for control of Ilum is persistent, meaning there is no timer or reset to the fight; Ilum is constantly in danger from the other faction.
Within the zone are 5 control points that must be held for victory. There is a Republic and Imperial base to the North and South of the map, as well as 3 resource points in the center. Some of the resource points will deploy walkers that need to be taken out with special shoulder-mounted rocket launchers that can be obtained in the area.

Outlaw’s Den

On the far-away planet of Tatooine lies a lawless area known as the Outlaw’s Den. Within this area anything goes, meaning it is a fully Free-for-All PvP area where you can attack and kill anyone outside of your party, same faction included.
The area has some rare vendors that can also be killed and do not respawn on a regular schedule, as well as some rare resource nodes. Like Huttball, the area contains some deadly traps and pits that can be used to your advantage. There is also a GTN and cargo access in the Den, but here there is no sanctuary area and you will need to watch your back at all times.


In Star Wars the Old Republic, Operations are Bioware’s term for the MMO standard “raid.” Like Flashpoints, these tend to be more story-based than a lot of other MMOs, and Bioware has gone out of its way to make these areas feel as epic as taking part in a Star Wars movie. The game will launch with 2 Operations available to start with:
Eternity Vault
Karagga’s Palace
Note: some of the following information may or may not be 100% accurate, so if you have confirmation on anything that is different from what I post, please let me know and I will correct it.
In SWTOR, the maximum size of an Operation group is 24 players, or 6, 4-person parties linked together. Although the max group size is 24, the Operations themselves are limited to 8man and 16man groups. Operations also come in 3 varieties: normal, hard and nightmare difficulties. The lockouts for Operations are set on a one-week timer. The normal and hard mode versions do not share a lockout, but you can only do hard OR nightmare within the same week. The 8man and 16man versions of the same Operation DO share the same lockout however.
When running the normal versions of an Operation, each boss will reward each group member with a loot bag which will contain either gear for that class or a commendation. Running the harder versions of the Operations will result in better gear but also normal loot tables for each of the bosses instead of the loot bags.


Timeline – Wookieepedia
Class, Advanced Class and Starship descriptions – Official Site
Warzone descriptions – Official Site
Race and Planet Lore – Wiki SWTOR
Companion background and Crew Skill descriptions – In-game Codex entries
Datacron information – SWTOR Beta testers Disqo, Dracarys, and Beef_Cake

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